Foundations of Epidemiology
Epidemiology Triangle
Disease Concepts
Levels Prevention

What is Epidemiology

The study of health-related events in human populations that focuses on the prevention and control of health problems. 


What is the Epidemiology Triangle?

A tool that epidemiologist use to help understand the disease.


Who was the first Epidemiologist?

Hippocrates was considered the father of medicine and the first epidemiologist. 


When infectious diseases began to be contagious and able to be transmitted this is called

Communicable diseases


What is Active Primary Prevention?

Education and Behavior changes that prevents disease or disorder


What is Descriptive epidemiology?

Explains and obverses the characteristics of the disease; who, where, or when events took place


What is the Agent part of the Epidemiology Triangle?

Agent is what the cause of the disease. (Pathogen, virulence, etc)


What did John Snow investigate and is known for?

John Snow studied and investigated Cholera.

The study of what causes disease and their mode of operation



What is Passive Primary Prevention?

No behavior change on the individual in order to prevent disease example: For example, infectious diarrheal diseases were virtually eliminated by taking the responsibility for creating clean water out of the users’ hands, and instead, developing potable water and sewer systems.  This same model can be used when approaching other public health problems, such as injury. 


What is Analytic epidemiology?

Finding quantifying associations, testing hypothesis, and identifying causes of health-related events. 


What is the host part of the Epidemiology triangle?

The human or animal the agent is thriving in. (Persons, groups, and populations.)


What was the instrument that changed medical history forever?

The microscope, we were able to study diseases and medicine. 


What are Pathogens?

they are organisms or substances like bacteria, protozoa, viruses, and fungi that can lead to making disease. 

What is Secondary Prevention?

Screenings and early detection to improve a cure and reduce chances of death or injury


What is a pandemic?

A pandemic is an epidemic of an infectious disease that has spread across a large region, for instance multiple continents or worldwide, affecting a substantial number of individuals.


What is the Environmental part of the Epidemiology Triangle?

the surroundings and conditions the human or animal was in while the disease was transmitted.  


Who was the first to publish the first report on sanitation and public health problems in the Commonwealth of Massachusettes?

Lemuel Shattuck, he discussed the importance of making sure we had a local board of health. 


What is an endemic? 

A disease outbreak is endemic when it is consistently present but limited to a particular region. This makes the disease spread and rates predictable. Malaria, for example, is considered endemic in certain countries and regions.

What is Primary prevention?
an effort to prevent disease before it happens

What is the role of Epidemiology in Public Health Practice?

The findings of Epidemiology can help contribute to the prevention, injury, and controlling of disease to improve public health!

Give an example how the epidemiology triangle is used.

Yellow fever:The environment would be a place mosquitoes are breeding.Mosquitoes can convey disease-causing organisms to human and animal host. Based on the triangle we know that the mosquitoes are breeding making the disease spread.


What does WHO stand for, and what does it provide

The World Health Organization, and it provides "internationally endorsed standard diagnostic classifications for general epidemiologic and health management purposes"


What are the four stages relevant to most diseases?

1. Stage of Susceptibility 2. Stage of Presymptomatic disease 3. Stage of clincial disease 4. Stage of recovery or death


What is Tertiary Prevention?

Limit disease by rehabilitation where disease occurred and cause injury.
