General Reasoning
Epistemological Theories
Famous Epistemologists
F.D.A. Comedy

What philosophers call the kind of reasoning that does not rely on the senses nor experience at all.

What is A Priori Reasoning?


This is the name of the philosophical position that maintains that, in order to have knowledge, one must have mental access to the reasons or justifications that cause a proposition to be true.

What is Internalism?


This epistemologist with his hyperbolic doubt is perhaps the reason for all our epistemological problems.

Who is Rene Descartes?


This flaw in reasoning directly reflects and charges a personal bias against another on the basis of the pigmentation of melanin in externally perceived material composition and not in the substance of their argument.

What is the Racist Fallacy?

Do force mind-tricks work in philosophy?
What is no?

What philosophers call the kind of reasoning that relies on the senses and experience.

What is A Posteriori reasoning?


This is the name of the philosophical position that maintains that, in order to have knowledge, all that is required is that one’s beliefs are formed via reliable processes that are likely to yield true results.

What is Externalism?


He advocates for naturalized epistemology.

Who is Willard Van Orman Quine?


This fallacy, often referred to by F.D.A., involves a debater subtracting a claim from their position to avoid being defeated by opposition in a debate.

What is the Ad Hoc Minusification Fallacy?


This term popularly refers to the abuse of science to push a political agenda.

What is Soyence?


This form of reasoning draws general conclusions from specific empirical observations.

What is inductive reasoning?


This theory deals directly with the idea that the content of premises concerning the mind and mental states is fully understood by premises about action or the dispositions to act.

What is Logical Behaviorism?


This epistemologist is famous for his theory regarding counting sheep and their relation to the criteria for knowledge.

Who is Edmund Gettier?


This problem concerns the justification used to prove general conclusions based on observations of events.

What is the fallacy of Faulty Generalization or The Problem of Induction?


This movie is famous for its scene in which Arnold Schwarzenegger is repeatedly told by a mysterious being to “Open your mind.”

What is Total Recall?


The method of analysis that requires one to push the question mark farther and farther down to ask a deeper ‘why’.

What is reflective or philosophical understanding?


This theory believes that a physical or material object of a certain sort exists is the same as believing that sense-data of various sorts have been experienced, are being experienced, will be experienced, and/or would be experienced under certain specifiable conditions.

What is Phenomenalism?


This epistemologist is known for his doubt of causation and for pointing out the problem of induction.

Who is David Hume?


This fallacy uses flowery language to sound smart, kind of like this meta theoretical fallacy through multi-syllabic linguistic patterns.

What is the Fallacy of Large Words?


This theory believes that we are all experiencing a simulated reality from a glass cylinder.

What is the Brain in Vat Theory?


This form of understanding relies upon a basic belief that is the foundation upon which the justification of all other beliefs ultimately rests.

What is Foundationalism?


This theory believes that justification and knowledge all depend on a set of coherent components.

What is coherentism?


This epistemologist posits that God is the one who gives us sense experience.

Who is George Berkeley?


This fallacy of rhetoric attacks people rather than ideas.

What is the Ad Hominem Fallacy?


Laurence Bonjour is best known for this.

What is telling us what to do?
