This band's second album, "No Strings Attached" is released; more recently a meme was created every spring and there has been a resurgence of the first track thanks to "Deadpool and Wolverine".
This individual stared in a live action remake of "How the Grinch Stole Christmas".
Jim Carrey
This technology phenomenon was expected to cause global chaos, but nothing happened.
The summer olympics were held in this city and were regarded as one of the best-organized and most successful Olympic Games (at that time).
Sydney, Ausatralia
The "BLITZ" at Fifth Third stood for this, which was a pledge we completed within 3 years.
Building, Lending, Investments and Technology
This artist won the Grammy for Best New Artist in 2000, with hits like "What a Girl Wants" and "Come on Over Baby".
Christina Aguilera
This movie, featuring a now disgraced lead, who also won best actor, won Best Picture in 2000.
American Beauty
This Cuban boy, age 6, was the center of international dispute and reunited with his father after a federal raid of some Miami relative's home.
Elian Gonzalez
In an inter-city world series clash, this team triumped.
New York Yankees
In 2000, our call centers in Cincinnati and Evansville, IN fielded this many calls, 23, 48 or 13 million.
23 million
Kentwood, Louisiana opened a museum dedicated to which 18-year-old songstress, who along with her brother and sister, call the town home.
Brittany Spears
This 2000 movie is based on a true story, lead to Julia Robert's first, and only, academy award the following year.
Erin Brockovich
In the 2000 presidential election, Dan Rather pronounced, "If we call a state, you can take it to the bank." What state ended up being called one way but went another after manual recounts?
This team, lead by Shaquille O'Neal and Kobe Bryant, won their first of 3 consecutive NBA Championships.
Los Angeles Lakers
In 2000, Fifth Third was involved in what three acquisitions / mergers?
CNB Bancshares, Old Kent Financial Corp, and Ottawa Financial Corp (a subsidiary of AmeriBank)
This artist had hits such as "Stan" and "Kim".
This show debuted in 2000, ran for for 15 years, and has had five direct and indirect spinoffs covering various cities.
CSI: Crime Scene Investigations
This video game was created and released (with sequels in 2004, 2009 and 2014) featured players watching and directing their characters doing mundane things like eating, sleeping and cleaning.
The Sims
This individual outwits and outlasts other Survivor cast members and walks off the South China Sea island as the shows first "Survivor", later convicted of tax evasion and fraud.
Richard Hatch
2000 marked which consecutive year of uniturrupted increased earnings for Fifth Third?
This musical trio traded 2 members in the year 2000, adding Michelle Williams to a now famous solo artist and Kelly Rowland.
Destiney's Child
This second movie in the series debuted in 2000, with the most recent installment set to release later this year.
Mission: Impossible 2
In the biggest merger (at that time), what company bought Time Warner, the nations largest (at the time) traditional media company?
America Online
This "Queen of all Media" debuts her own magazine.
Oprah Winfrey
In 2000, Fifth Third operated this many banking centers (within 20).