What is equality?
To treat everyone fairly, and give everyone the same opportunities.
How can you treat family or siblings with equality?
Determined upon answer.
What is the title of the first Harry Potter book?
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone.
How should we treat people? (Must be the same as our answer.)
We should treat everyone with equality, kindness, and respect.
Example(s) of how society can treat those around us with equality.
(If you give 2 you get 400, 3 is 600, etc. must be correct?)
Determined by Eva and Asel if correct or not.
How long has Eva had braces on for?
Since 7th grade or 2 and a half years.
Example(s) of how we can treat those around us with equality.
(If you give 2 you get 400, 3 is 600, etc. must be correct?)
Determined by Eva and Asel if correct or not.
How did the Umm an-Nar culture treat each other?
With equality.
Aseel has a roll of stickers, how many stickers are on this roll?
500 stickers.
What was the state Eva went to during the summer for Vacation?
California (extra points if they name a specific location)
What is the only continent where coffee grows naturally?