Name two segments in the equine industry. (These are different things that equines can be used for)
−working stock horses
−global food market
On the horse picture, point to the withers
the highest point of the shoulder blades
What is the most popular horse breed in the world?
Quarter Horse
What is the name of the disease that is known for:
−constant moisture which can irritate and penetrate the skin
−a horse being placed in muddy or dirty surroundings
−bacterial and fungal infections
This is the term for a horse's male counterpart, which is often used for breeding purposes.
What is a career in the equine industry? (NOT A VETERINARIAN)
−horse sales
−legislation and government
−real estate sales
On the horse on the board, point to the poll
A Clydesdale, Belgian, American Cream, and Dutch are all the same type of horse. What is it?
A draft
What equine disease is known for:
−infection being highly contagious
−ability to quickly spread between horses by direct contact or indirectly on equipment or personnel
•bacteria are shed in nasal discharge and in pus draining from the abscesses
•bacteria can survive in the environment for long periods
How long is a horse pregnant for?
11 months
What are two factors you need to consider when selecting horses for a task?
−age and size
−disposition and vices
On the horse picture point to the stifle
the front of the back leg (thigh)
What horse is registered in the Jockey Club?
What equine disease is also known as "lockjaw" and can occur in both animals and humans?
This is the name of the horse's natural instinct to flee from danger, which is a survival mechanism.
Flight response
What are the two breeding styles that are not accepted by the American Jockey Club? (Explain them)
Artificial Insemination
Embryo Transfer
On the horse picture point to the girth
the line behind the front leg
What is the difference between a miniature and a pony?
Name the two mosquito-borne diseases that was discussed
Equine Encephalomyelitis
This term refers to the process of training a horse to respond to commands and cues from a rider or handler.
Breaking or Training
When was the horse slaughter act passed?
On the horse picture point where the chestnut is located
By the knee on the front leg
True or False: Horse only sleep laying down
What two diseases could be caused by rodents like possums?
Equine Protozoan Myeloenecpholitis (EPM)
What is the term for a horse that is new and not trained?