The horse's "bangs" or hair on the front of their head.
What is the Forelock?
The part of the bridle that connects the bit to the head stall or crown.
What is the check piece?
This is the youngest horse in our herd.
Who is Tiger Lily?
When grooming a horse this tool is used to removed dried dust and dirt and to stimulate the horse's skin to produce shine.
The term for an ungelded horse.
What is a stallion?
The thing on the inside of the horse's leg that is made of keratin and often looks like a scab.
What is a chestnut?
The part of the saddle that is furthest to the back behind the rider's seat.
What is the Cantle?
This is the oldest horse in our herd.
Who is Kitty?
What is weaving, cribbing, wind sucking, kicking, pawing, rearing, box walking (circling)?
We measure a horse in hands from this location of their body.
What is the withers?
The muscular structure that runs under the mane.
What is the crest?
The part of the bridle that helps stop the horse from moving their jaw from side to side. (hint: not the nose band)
What is a flash?
Mr. Siems broke and backed this horse when she was four years old.
Who is Mena?
The overall term for issues in the horse's digestive system.
Horses can easily get sick and die because they are unable to do this action to elevate discomfort in the stomach.
What is vomit or burp?
This is a very tough, vascular structure which sits at the top of the hoof wall.
What is the cornet band?
The base on which the rest of the saddle is built, usually based on wood or a wood-like synthetic material.
What is the tree?
These are the only two horses in the barn who are paint.
Who are Godzilla and Max?
Horses need to wait how long before they exercise after eating grain.
What is at least one hour?
The average lifespan of a horse. Credit will be given if guessed between the correct range.
What is 25-30?
Horses traditionally have this many teeth. Answer will be accepted within the correct range.
What is 36-40?
Specifically on Culver saddles, this interchangeable piece of equipment allows you to increase or decrease the width of the front of the saddle only.
One of these two horses used to jump Grand Prix
Who is Ceasar or Ipa?
Female horses typically go into heat every ___ days.
What is every 21 days?
This condition fuses the pastern bones together.
What is ringbone?