Conjugate - Je (chanter)
Je chante
What are the average amount of courses in a French holiday dinner? (1-7)
What is 7.
Conjugate tu (acheter)
Tu achètes
To make a sentence negative, you place the "ne" and "pas" around THIS part of speech.
What is the (conjugated) verb?
I forget my homework
What is j'oublie mes devoirs.
I like science.
What is J'aime les sciences.
conjugate ils (nettoyer)
Ils nettoient
I don't like my french teacher.
What is Je n'aime pas mon prof de français.
What form of the French "you" would we use to address Pope Francis? (tu or vous?)
What is vous?
Answer this question: "Tu aimes l'informatique?"
What is J'aime l'informatique / Je n'aime pas l'informatique
We eat at the cafeteria
Nous mangeons à la cantine
How many floors does the Eiffel Tower have?
What is 3