This person was Monroe Secratary of State and future president.
Who is John Quincey Adams?
A package of Bill written by Henry Clay that funded internal improvements.
What is the American System?
This style of Democracy was inspired by Jackson himself.
What is Jacksonian Democracy?
Jackson despised ________ and vowed to destroy it.
What is the Bank?
Folk hymns.
What is Spirituals?
This person invaded Spain without permission and showed how weak the Spain empire really was.
Who is Andrew Jackson?
The 1824 was named this because of Henry Clay.
What is "The Corrupt Bargain"?
This system benefitted Jackson's supporters.
What is the Spoils System?
One month after __________ took office the economy collapsed.
Who is Martin Van Buren
The Hudson River Schoolcreated painting that represented _________.
What are Landscapes?
This document banished European countries from colonizing South American countries.
What is the Monroe Doctrine?
This National Road was funded by the American System.
What is the Cumberland road?
Jackson group of Secret Advisors that would help him run the country from his Kitchen.
After Jackson invaded Spain, The U.S. government offered to pay Spain ________ million dollars?
What is 5?
John Quincey Adams party.
What is the Whig Party?
This person illustrated the Monroe Doctrine but didn't receive much credit at all.
Who is John Quincey Adams?
What political job did Clay have during the Era of Good Feelings.
What is the speaker of the HOR?
What Bill allowed Jackson to Force South Carolinian uprisers to pay their taxes.
What is the Force Bill?
This practice raised the price of foreign goods to give the American businesses a chance.
What is Protective Tariffs
Tippecanoe and ________ Too!
Who is Tyler?
The person who was defeated by James Monroe in the 1816 election.
Who is Rufus King?
This imaginary boundary set by Henry Clay in the Missori Comprismise was set at what Degree?
What is 36 30 North Latitude?
The Indian Remval Acts would over 10,00 people to die over the span of one winter this tragedy earned the name.
What is the "Trail of Tears."
The full name of the Chairmen of the Bank during the Era of Jackson.
Who is Nicolas Biddle?
Why were the Cherokee Indians forced to move because _________ was found on their land.
What is Gold?