Optimal Hemoglobin level pre-surgery.
What is greater than 10?
This many hours before scheduled surgery should patient receive pre-operative medications.
What is 1 hour?
How many counts are done during a C/S?
What is 4?
How often do you perform fundal massage in Phase 1?
What is Q15?
These medications are given pre-operatively 1 hour prior to scheduled surgery.
What is Tylenol 1000mg and Pepcid 20mg PO?
Amount of time prior to scheduled surgery patient can consume a light meal.
What is 6 hours?
This many hours before scheduled surgery can patient have DRANK 8oz of high carbohydrate, clear fluids.
What is 2 hours?
When would you use "Stop the line"?
VTE prophylaxis method utilized during recovery period?
What are antibiotics?
Appropriate food and beverage options patient can choose before surgery.
What is plain toast with jelly, fruit, juice/clear fluids, or a high carbohydrate sports drink (gatorade)?
Name 4 important labs needed upon admission
Type & Screen
Rapid HIV
What type of asepsis is used during a C/S?
What is surgical asepsis?
What is acceptable QBL after a C/S?
What is <1000 mL?
These medications may be given post-op for break-through pain.
What are PO Dilaudid OR PO Oxycodone PRN?
What documents should be completed prior to a scheduled c section?
Name 2 nursing interventions that prevent incision infection
Wiping abdomen with CHG wipes
QBL during csection was 1500mL.
what is your pt experiencing?
What is postpartum hemorrhage?
When would you press the MERT button?
During a hypertensive crisis, PPH, or seizure?
Toradol is contraindicated for post-operative pain control in these circumstances.
What is patient has known kidney disease, or is a high bleeding risk?
Non-medically indicated deliveries before how many weeks gestation should be avoided due to risks of adverse newborn outcomes?
What is 39 weeks?
Pt is scheduled for a primary C-section for breech presentation. What imaging procedure must be performed prior to surgery.
Ultrasound- to confirm presentation
Patient should remain in a state of ____thermia during C/S.
What is normothermia.
What is q15 minutes x2 hours?
This medication is given to patient after delivery of baby to help prevent postoperative nausea and help with pain management.
What is Decadron 8mg IV?