The earth is this many years old.
4.6 Billion
The largest layer of the earth
Type of rock made from the cooling of magma
Alfred Wegener's evidence supports the theory that this super continent existed 225 million years ago.
Divergent Boundary
Which two continents did experts initially realize fit together like a puzzle.
South American and Africa
The Pre-Cambrian era makes up this percentage of the earths history
The Appalachian mountains began forming during this era.
This layers temperature is so hot that the pressure causes it to be solid
Inner Core
This type of rock that is created through extreme heat and pressure
This theorist coined his theory "Plate Techtonics" which provided proof for continental drift, EH.
Dr. J "Tuzo" Wilson
This plate boundary is never associated with volcanic activity
This Canadian mountain range aligns with and shares similar rock types with, geological formations in Africa, Scandinavia, Greenland and the UK
The era in which humans are introduced to earth
Layer of the earth that is exposed to atmosphere.
Type of rock that contains the remains of ancient life and fossil fuels.
Which theory attempts to fit the molding of the earths landforms into a 6,000 year period rather than the actual 4.5 billion timeline.
This process results in old crust being recycled.
The series of earthquakes and volcanoes that follow the boundaries of the Pacific Plate is referred to as
The Ring of Fire
The first of earths geological era
This layer is made of superheated molten lava.
Outer Core
Obsidian, a fine grained rock produced by the rapid cooling of magma being exposed to the atmosphere, is this type of igneous rock
These two geological processes are the primary contributors to uniformitarianism
Plate tectonics and Glaciation
An example of folding mountains created by two continental plates colliding is
The Himalayan Mountains
Which dinosaur fossil was mysteriously found in both South America and Africa
First signs of birds, mammals and flowering plants occurred in this geological period
The heating and cooling of liquid magma within the Mantle causes this earth altering phenomena to happen
Convection Currents
The Canadian Shield is primarily made of this kind of rock
Igneous .... also metamorphic but not going to take that answer :)
Diastrophic forces involve the movement of solid earth in these two ways
Folding and Faulting
The Island country of Japan is the result of the two types of plates converging
Oceanic x2
Glaciation 300 million years ago has left similar glacial deposits and this type of parallel scratch or groove in bedrock on five different continents