General Principles
Medical Emergencies
Special Populations

This law states that at a constant temperature, the volume of a gas is inversely proportional to the pressure. The gas in a balloon, for example, expands as the balloon ascends.

What is Boyle's Law?


Per ALS, This is the initial treatment for the below rhythm after starting CPR and determining the absence of a pulse in an unconscious patient. 

What is Epinephrine? 


This exam is a rapid and noninvasive way to assess intrabdominal trauma. A negative result does not rule intraabdominal injury but a positive result can confirm the presence of injury. 

What is Focused Abdominal Sonogram for Trauma (FAST) exam? 


A deterioration on the Glasgow Coma Scale to this value would probe the medical provider to secure the patient's airway. 

What is 8?


This syndrome in pregnant patients contributes to dramatically decreased venous blood return which causes a logical decrease in cardiac output and mimics hypovolemic shock when lying supine. 

What is Inferior Vena Cava Syndrome? 


This rule establishes the priorities in a survival situation to include oxygen, shelter, water, and then food. 

What is the Rule of Threes?


This is the expected weight of person based on gender and height used to target tidal volume.

What is Ideal Body Weight? 


This treatment prior to the extrication of a patient in a prolonged trapped setting is imperative to reducing complications related to crush syndrome. 

What is Apply a Tourniquet? 


This symptom is the defining symptom that indicates a heat casualty has progressed into heat stroke. 

What is Change in Mental Status? 


This is a tool that nursing professionals use to help identify variations in fetal heart rate patterns 



This acronym details the factors that affect tolerance to the stresses of flight.

What is D.E.A.T.H? 

Drugs, Exhaustion, Alcohol, Tobacco, Hypoglycemia


This is the initial treatment for patients suffering from inferior wall infarction. 

What is maximize preload/fluid resuscitation? 


This is the TBSA percentage, when present, the provider should consider securing the patient's airway.

What is 40%? 


A patient who recently went diving or had high altitude exposure and now has symptoms occurring in the thorax caused in part by innumerable small bubbles that block smaller pulmonary vessels is suffering from this. 

As the condition progresses, a stabbing pain is felt, chest tightness, and inhalation becomes rapid and markedly difficult, there is an uncontrollable desire to cough. Cough is ineffective and nonproductive. Sensation of suffocation; breathing becomes shallower.

What is Decompression Sickness Type 2 the Chokes? 


This position places the obese patient with the head and shoulders elevated approximately 25° to 30° increases the chance of successful airway management. 

What is the Ramped Position? 


This condition results in reduced total cardiac output, pooling of the blood within certain regions of the body, a decreased blood flow to the tissues, or restriction of blood flow that interferes with the transportation phase of respiration by reducing systemic blood flow.

What is Stagnant Hypoxia? 


Using the rule of 9s this is the TBSA on a victim that had 3rd degree burns on the anterior torso, face and anterior aspects of both legs.

What is 41%?


This lethal rhythm is commonly seen secondary to electrical injury from exposure to an alternating current. 

What is V-fib? 


This is the recommended insertion site for a chest tube when performing a finger and tube thoracostomy. 

What is the 3rd or 4th intercostal space? 


This vital sign defines symptomatic pediatric bradycardia and will require CPR despite adequate oxygenation and ventilation.

What is HR <60bpm?


This term refers to restricting all nonessential communications over the aircraft intercom system during all critical phases of flight to include taxi, takeoff, landing, and all other flight operations except cruise flight.

What is Sterile Cockpit? 


This is the name for the Trauma Triangle of Death with the addition of hypocalcemia. 

What is The Lethal Diamond?


This fracture detailed below separates the entire midface from the cranium. Patients are at increased risk for cerebrospinal fluid leaking from the patient’s nose. Through gently, but firmly, grasping the front gum and teeth and trying to move it, this injury is confirmed if the palate moves. 

What is a Le Fort III Fracture? 


This medical complication occurs secondary to endotracheal tube passing and is confirmed in the following image. 

What is a Right Mainstem?


This is preferred insertion site for a pediatric patient suffering from a tension pneumothorax requiring a needle decompression. 

What is the 2nd or 3rd intercostal space at the midclavicular line on the affected side?
