Ergonomic Principles
ergo 3
systemic effects of immobility

A nurse is caring for a client who is receiving

enteral tube feedings due to dysphagia.

Which of the following bed positions should

the nurse use for safe care of this client?

A. Supine

B. Semi‑Fowler’s

C. Semi‑prone

D. Trendelenburg


In the semi‑Fowler’s position, the client lies supine with the head of the bed elevated 15° to 45° (typically 30°).

This position helps prevent regurgitation and aspiration by clients who have difficulty swallowing. 

This is the safest position for clients receiving enteral tube feedings


The client sits in the bed or at the bedside with a pillow on the overbed table, which is across the client’s lap. They rest their arms on the overbed table.

A. Trendelenburg

B. Orthopneic 

C. Lateral or side‑lying 

D. Prone 



A client who works in a warehouse and must lift heavy object ask them nurse how to avoid musculoskeletal injuries. Which of the the following is good health teaching? SELECT ALL THAT APPLY

A. Bend from the knees
B. Carry objects close to your body
C. Push rather than lift heavy objects

D.It is the imaginary line that passes through the center of gravity

E. Semi-Fowler's

A. Bend from the knees
B. Carry objects close to your body
C. Push rather than lift heavy objects


To avoid a nurse-related injury as well as promote safe handling of a client before repositioning from a supine to a lateral position, which nursing assessment instruction is most important?

A.Is the client able to assist

B. When was the position last changed

C. What does the client weigh

D. The client is in a semi-prone position

A. Is the client able to assist


A nurse instructor is teaching nursing student about the systemic effects that immobility has on the cardiovascular system. The nursing students know that systemic effects that immobility have on the cardiovascular system when they report?

A. Severe appetite disturbance

B. Pseudoparkinsonism

C. Opposition 

D. Orthostatic hypotension

D. Orthostatic hypotension


A nurse is caring for a client who is sitting in a chair

and asks to return to bed. Which of the following

actions is the nurse’s priority at this time?

A. Obtain a walker for the client to

use to transfer back to bed.

B. Call for additional staff to assist with the transfer.

C. Use a transfer belt and assist

the client back into bed.

D. Determine the client’s ability to

help with the transfer.


The first action that should be taken using

the nursing process is to assess or collect data from the client. Determine the client’s ability to help with transfers and then proceed with a safe transfer.


A nurse is caring for a client who is sitting in a chair and asks to return to bed. Which of the following actions is the nurse's priority at this time?

A. Obtain a walker for the client to use to transfer back to bed 

B. use a transfer belt to assist the client back into bed

C. Call for additional staff to assist with the transfer

D. determine the client's ability to help with the transfer

D. determine the client's ability to help with the transfer


A nurse manager is reviewing guidelines for preventing injury with staff nurses. Which of the following instructions should the nurse manager include? SELCT ALL THAT APPLY

A. Request assistance when repositioning a client

B. Avoid twisting your spine or bending at the waist

C. Use smooth movement when lifting and moving up clients

D. Repositioning a client laying in bed

E. Have a table beside your bed so you can sit on the bedside and rest your arms on the table

A. Request assistance when repositioning a client

B. Avoid twisting your spine or bending at the waist

C. Use smooth movement when lifting and moving up clients


Why are Range of Motion exercise performed?

A. Repositioning a client laying in bed

B. Twist and lift at the same time

C. Leg muscles are stronger, larger muscles capable of greater work without injury

D. To maintain joint mobility and flexibility in inactive clients

D. To maintain joint mobility and flexibility in inactive clients


The nursing students know that systemic effects that immobility have on the  musculoskeletal system when they report?


foot drop

pressure injury


A nurse is instructing a client who has COPD

about using the orthopneic position to relieve

shortness of breath. Which of the following

statements should the nurse make?

A. “Lie on your back with our head and

shoulders supported by a pillow.”

B. “Have your head turned to the side

while you lie on your stomach.”

C. “Have a table beside your bed so you can sit on

the bedside and rest your arms on the table.”

D. “Lie on your side with your top arm resting

on the bed and your weight on your hip.”

C. CORRECT: This is an accurate description for the orthopneic position. This position allows for chest expansion and is especially beneficial for clients who have COPD


he entire body is tilted with the head of the body lower than the foot of bed. What position is this called?

A. Prone 

B. Trendelenburg

C. Dorsal Recumbent

D. Semi-fowler's

B. Trendelenburg


The nurse instructor is teaching the students about the line of gravity. Which of the following is the correct statement about the line of gravity?

A. Orthostatic hypotension

B. The client is in a semi-prone position

C. Pressure injury

D. It is the imaginary line that passes through the center of gravity 

D. It is the imaginary line that passes through the center of gravity


Examples of Cold Application?

Ice bag

Cooling blanket

Cold water compresses


The nursing students know that systemic effects that immobility have on the  urinary system when they report?

Urinary stasis- CALCIUM STONES


A nurse manager is reviewing guidelines for

preventing injury with staff nurses. Which of

the following instructions should the nurse

manager include? (Select all that apply.)

A. Request assistance when repositioning a client.

B. Avoid twisting your spine or bending at the waist.

C. Keep your knees slightly lower than your hips

when sitting for long periods of time.

D. Use smooth movements when lifting and moving clients.

E. Take a break from repetitive movements every 2 to 3 hr to flex and stretch your joints and muscles

A. CORRECT: To reduce the risk of injury, at least two staff members should reposition clients.

B. CORRECT: Twisting the spine or bending at the waist (flexion) increases the risk for injury

D. CORRECT: Using smooth movements instead of sudden or jerky muscle movements helps prevent injury.


The most serious injuries occur when you?

A. Drag a dead weight patient on the floor 

B. Pull and push using your thigh muscles 

C. Fowlers position 

D. Twist and lift at the same time

D. Twist and lift at the same time


When nurse work while using poor body posture, this can result in?

a. Muscle spasms

b. Alzheimer's disease

c. Pressure injury

d. Decreased respiratory rate

a. Muscle spasms


Examples of Heat Application?

warming blanket

hot packs

warm compress


The nursing students know that systemic effects that immobility have on the  gastrointestinal system system when they report?

Decreased peristalsis- constipation


A nurse educator is reviewing proper body

mechanics during employee orientation. Which

of the following statements should the nurse

identify as an indication that an attendee

understands the teaching? (Select all that apply.)

A. “My line of gravity should fall

outside my base of support.”

B. “The lower my center of gravity, the more stability I have.”

C. “To broaden my base of support, I should spread my feet apart.”

D. “When I lift an object, I should hold it as close to my body as possible.”

E. “When pulling an object, I should move my front foot forward.”

B. CORRECT: Being closer to the ground lowers the center of gravity, which leads to greater stability and balance. 

C. CORRECT: Spreading the feet apart increases and widens the base of support. 

D. CORRECT: Holding an object as close to the body as possible helps avoid displacement of the center of gravity and thus prevent injury and instability


Which nursing action is most dependent on the principle: "the wider the base of support the greater the stability"?

A. The client is in a semi-prone position

B. Pressure injury

C. Repositioning a client laying in bed

D. Fowlers position

C. Repositioning a client laying in bed


A nurse is caring for a client who has been sitting in a chair for 1 hour. Which of the following complications is the greatest risk for the client?

A. Traumatic injury

B. Pressure injury

C. Excitation injury

D. Ischemic injury

b. Pressure injury


What is it called that is usually in the lower

extremities) that result in clot formation.

MANIFESTATIONS: Pain, edema, warmth, and erythema at the site

deep vein thrombosis


The nursing students know that systemic effects that immobility have on the  respiratory system system when they report?

decreased cough

decreased oxygen exchange

