Most common addiction across the nation...
As of 2020, 79.5% of Americans abuse alcohol
Substance with a high death rate in the U.S., higher than suicide
Professional specializing in treating mental & emotional disorders is known as...
Psychologist, Psychiatrist, Therapist, Counselor
Gives you too much time to be with your own thoughts
isolation and boredom
A____ is always necessary for an individual to take control of their future sobriety and avoid future relapse.
What is a Relapse Prevention Plan
Violent or aggressive behavior within the home. Is common after coming under the influence
Domestic Violence, assault, and theft
Abstain from ALL illicit drugs and alcohol...
Sobriety or Clean Time
Treatment that includes living onsite and receiving group and individual therapies.
Inpatient Treatment
They help us manage our emotions related to difficult times to improve emotional health and help us grow as people. Behaviors, attitudes, and approaches
Healthy Coping skills
A powerful desire for something that usually passes.
Can be Internal and external. Provocation to relapse
One of the most common & effective coping skills a person in early recovery can develop is, this string of behaviors characterized by "a sequence of actions regularly followed"...
Routine or structure
A realization period for someone suffering from addiction. It’s a stage where they will look outside of themselves, or inside of themselves, and find a newfound perspective or purpose.
Spiritual Awakening
With continued substance abuse the brain will stop producing this brain chemical that enables pleasure..
A higher power
What are two acronyms for
Fu#%ck Everything And Run
Face Everything And Recover
I would also accept...
False Evidence Appearing Real
Most addictive substance