What is Kevin doing in 2025?
What is punting
What is Erin's drink order at the bar?
What is a vodka sprite
Who is the cat?
Who is Levin
This word is used in our groupchat typically in the morning before work or when hungover
What is "Help"
What are some of Erin's nicknames?
Who is Ewin, Er Baby, Er, Rin
Where is our favorite place to eat after a night of drinking in NYC?
What is 7th Street Burgerrrrr
You may receive a special craft from this person for a special event
Who is Alli and her hand-made cards
Who was Erin's JB date?
Who is Matt Jones
"We come to this place... for magic" Where is this?
What is AMC Theatres
Where does Erin work and what is her job title
What is Positive Promotions / Marketing Manager
This person can tell the weather and may be a gyspy
Who is Taylor Shapiro
What was the name of Silber's uber driver when he disappeared at Santa Con?
Who is Charlie Chiao
This item was stolen from someone at a party and left in Erin's Car? Name both person and item
What is Joe stealing TJ's mom plant