It's my Birthday
It had to be a Law
1974 Grab bag & Dad Jokes

This Iconic magazine first hit newstands in March of 1974. The magazine has had nearly every celebrity adorn its cover.

What is People Magazine?


This game was developed by the board game company Militon Bradley in 1974.  It was inspired by the classic Tic-Tac-Toe, but the sequence is greater?

What is Connect Four?


I was the President that signed the legislation titled "An Act to provide Pension Reform" into law on September2, 1974.

Who is Gerald Ford?


The revenue act of 1978 created this popular defined contribution plan that created employees to contribute to their retirement on a tax deferred basis.  This law went into effect on January 1, 1980.

What is the 401(k) plan?


This 110 story building opened for business in New York City in 1974.

What is the World Trade Center?


There aren't many products that both educate and entertain. Developed in 1974 by a Hungarian puzzle lover it was marketed as a tool to help children learn about 3 dimensional objects, but it wasn't actually built for that purpose.  His fascination of Geometry was his inspiration for this creational challenge.

What is Rubik's Cube?


This key legislation is as important today as it was 50 years ago when it was enacted.  It regulates how the federal government collects, uses and disseminates people's personal information.

What is the U.S. Privacy Act?


The failure of this now defunct automaker company and the resultant loss of pension benefits by its workers was a catalyst to Pension reform and the passing of ERISA.

What is Studebaker?


The Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) is a federal law that sets minimum standards for most voluntarily established retirement and health plans in private industry to provide protection for individuals in these plans. In general, ERISA does not cover benefit plans established or maintained by these two types of plans.

What are Government and Church plans?


This American motorcycle daredevil  attempts to jump the Snake River Canyon in Idaho but fails, escaping with just minor injuries.

Who is Evel Knievel?


This cat food brand hit the market in 1974. The inaugural television commercial featured a singing cat walking forward and back.

What is Meow Mix?


This confection originally was invented in the United Kingdom in 1974, however it didn't enter the US candy scene until 1979. Some believe they originated from space, however you can taste the rainbow.

What are Skittles?


Many reforms were enacted as part of ERISA or subsequent amendments.  Benefits paid to retirees or separated employees using a fair benefit accrual method that was shortened and prevented employers from backloading is referred to as this. 

What is a vesting schedule?


This act gives workers and their families who lose their health benefits the right to choose to continue group health benefits provided by their group health plan for limited periods of time under certain circumstances such as voluntary or involuntary job loss, reduction in the hours worked, transition between jobs, death, divorce, and other life events.

What is the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA)? 


Why did Humpty Dumpty love September? 

Because Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.


This "act" started as a theory based on a doctor's observations in dogs and turned out to have a high success rate in preventing fatal choking episodes. 

What is the Heimlich Maneuver?


If you've enjoyed a nutty Irishman or other coffee based cocktails chances are you are familiar with this liqueur. It was iconic for being the first of its kind blending the richness of cream and the punch of whiskey.

What is Bailey's Irish Cream?


When ERISA was enacted plans allowed for different retirement ages and benefit accruals based on gender based on life expectancies and mandatory retirement ages.  Age and gender based distinctions were eliminated as part of this reform bill.

What is the Tax Reform Act of 1986 (TRA-86)?


This Law sets the minimum standards for most private industry retirement and health plans in the U.S. It covers topics such as plan information, participation, vesting, funding, fiduciary responsibility, grievance and appeals, and benefit guarantee.

What is ERISA?


The number one hit on the Billboard Hot 100 singles chart for 1974 was the "The Way We Were" performed by this artist.

Who is Barbra Streisand?


This popular product was introduced in 1974 for a person suffering from a nasty headcold. This was a non-drowsy formula intended for daytime relief. 

What is DayQuil?


The UPC Bar Code was scanned in a small Ohio town of Troy in 1974.  The code now appears on all products issued for sale. The very first product that started it all was an average pack of this.

What is Wrigley's Juicy Fruit gum?


This act addressed the splitting of benefits between spouses in the event of a divorce or for child support.  A qualifed domestic relations order (QDRO) was determined to protect beneficiaries  and provided for an immediate lump sum to the non-participating spouse. This removed the question of state law preempting ERISA and the IRS rule against assigning benefits.

The Retirement Equity Act (REA 1984)


Under ERISA (Employee Retirement Income Security Act), someone who exercises discretionary authority or control over a retirement plan or its assets is referred to as this.  

What is a fiduciary?


What did September say when June claimed that today is the last day of the month? 

Don’t July to me.
