Have fun. Enjoy the....
What is Journey?
You might find this NE Ohio manager racing a car around a race track on the weekends #Ifeeltheneedforspeed
Who is Ryan McDonald?
Where you should find the Transaction Cycle Understanding Form
What is 0901EB?
The extended due date for a plan with a 9/30 year end
What is July 15th?
The apostrophe in the Independent ________ Report
What is Auditor's?
Respect your clients, your colleagues and...
What is yourself?
This South East principal gets hungry reviewing this plan audit file
Who is Mark Beebe?
Risks of Material Misstatement are entered here
What is 0315EBP?
Corrective contributions should be returned by this date
What is March 15?
My Fair Value Level when inputs are unobservable
What is Level 3?
Be a person of influence, Share your....
What is ideas?
This East Central Principal can be known to have a rooster crow during a phone call #firstoneintheoffice #livingthebestfarmlife
Who is Darlene Finzer?
You might find compliance testing results here! #passorfail
What is the 6500 section?
The date the ERISA Segment will have all manager reviews performed by
What is September 30!!!! :)
In the event of Plan termination, participants will become this
What is 100% vested in their accounts?
Take your work...……… Quality counts.
What is Personally?
Through an odd twist of fate, this West Central manager spent his July 4th at a party with Pam Dunlap's daughter #itsafamilyaffair #whathappensonjuly4staysonjuly4
Who is Andrew Downing?
The location where the signed document is placed with the date of the auditor's report on it...
What is workpaper 0142
ERISA - Employee Retirement Income Security Act - of...
What is 1974?
Cost is omitted from the Schedule of Assets Held at End of Year for these
What are participant directed investments?
Work Hard... ________ Hard!!
What is PLAY!!!
This East Central manager just added 2 more girls to his household of women
Who is AJ Knapp?
It's an IRR - can you please get the partner to sign off this
What is workpaper 0126 - the EBP Report Review?
Date of the most recent AICPA Audit Guide for Employee Benefit Plans
What is January 1, 2019
Refer to this for a description of the plan's provisions
What is the plan document or plan agreement?