What is the age range of Early Head Start and Head Start?
Early Head Start- Prenatal up to age 3 and Head Start- 3 and 4
How often is CRT at DHS recruiting families?
What selection criteria is used to prioritize families?
Eligibility factors (points)
What is our funded enrollment for Head Start?
If a child experiencing homelessness is unable to attend classes regularly because the family does not have transportation, who supports the family with resources?
The Family Advocate
What are the two ways to be eligible for Head Start and Early Head Start?
age and income
Who is responsible for recruitment?
What does IEP and IFSP stand for?
Individualized Education Program (IEP)
Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP)
What is our EHS funded enrollment?
What is the Average Daily Attendance percentage for the program?
What are two types of documents that can be used to verify a child's date of birth?
birth certificate, affividate of facts, immunization record, hospital birth certificate, Medicaid or insurance card (if it has birth date on it)
How are some ways you can recruit?
Community events, Flyers/Posters, Mailings, Newspaper Ads, TV/Radios Ads, Word of mouth, Canvasing a neighborhood
What is considered Public Assistance?
When is a child considered enrolled?
The day the child is physically in the classroom.
What is an ECFM?
Emergency Child Family Meeting
What are four types of verification of income?
1040, W2, SNAP, SSI, Homeless, Foster Care, Pay stubs, No Income Declaration, TANF, Employer Letter
What is the time period that CPCD recruits?
Year round
Who approves placement in a over income spot in a classroom?
Enrollment Manager
What is considered fully enrolled with UPK?
Ensuring children’s regular participation in programs and services is essential for their _______ and ________.
Development and learning
What is the Performance Standard Number for Eligibility?
Who are the people who are the best recruiters for the program?
Current and former parents
Within what policy has the Eligibility and Factor Point system?
EN-06 HS and EHS Eligibility and Selection Criteria (Shared with CCP-04)
How soon do we have fill an open spot in a classroom?
Within 30 days
Research shows that missing 12% of the school year affects a student's academic performance.
True or False
False - 10%