How do programs verify eligibility based on income?
What is pay stubs, tax forms, other proof of income for the relevant time. If the parent does not have any income, a written statement outlining their non-existing income, third party, and staff verification? 1302.12(i)(1)(i-iii).
When a child is transitioning from EHS to HS, what should happen with eligibility?
What is re-determine eligibility again? New income and application should be submitted before a child is accepted in HS program.
What is the document used to rank families by order of priority?
What is the Selection Criteria?
What is the process in which we should intake parents, have them complete forms, engage in one on one conversation, and be hands on helping them complete documents needed for enrollment.
What is Interview Style?
What is the minimal percentage should children attend their programs for HBH and community partners to be in compliance with attendance.
What is 85%?
What are the various forms of proof of age.
What are birth certificates, hospital record, baptismal,
What are two most important things in making a child eligible for HS/EHS/-CSPP
What is Age & Income?
What is the purpose of the selection criteria?
What is to reach those most in need of services 1302.13
Percentage of slots set a side for disabilities
What is 10%
How long after a child's absence should a center follow up with the parent?
What is one hour?
What do ERSEA acronym mean?
What is Enrollment, Recruitment, Selection, Eligibility, and Attendance.
Program staff interview this way if an in-person interview is not possible or convenient for the family.
What is a telephone interview?
What categories should receive the most points on the selection criteria?
What is homeless, foster care, special needs, child's age, child care subsidy? 1302.14(a)(1)
A program must maintain its ________________level and fill any vacancy as soon as possible. A program must fill any vacancy within 30 days.
What is funded enrollment?
If a program determines a child eligible under 1302.12(c)(1)(iii), it must allow the child of what type of family to attend for up to 90 days or as long as allowed under state licensing requirements, without immunization and other records, to give the family reasonable time to present these documents.
What is a homeless family?
A program must train management and staff members who make eligibility determinations within...
What is 90 Days of hiring.
What are the age requirements for EHS and HS children...?
What is for EHS, except when the child is transitioning to HS, a child must be an infant or a toddler younger than three years old. For HS, be at least three old or turn three years old by the date used to determine eligibility for public school in the community in which the Head Start program is located, and, be no older than the age required to attend school.
What is the process...If a program operates in a service area where Head Start eligible children can enroll in high-quality publicly funded pre-kindergarten for a full school day....
What is the program must prioritize younger children as part of the selection criteria...(1302.14(a)(3))
How long can a slot be vacant before a program has to fill the vacancy?
What is 30 days. 1302.15(a)
(i) Provide information about the benefits of regular attendance; (ii) Support families to promote the child's regular attendance; (iii)Conduct a home visit or make other direct contact with a child's parents if a child has multiple unexplained absences (such as two consecutive unexplained absences), etc
What are Attendance Strategies?
What is the recruitment frequency?
What is ongoing. All year round.
What are the categorical eligibility requirements...
What is the family's income is equal to or below poverty line, the family is for public assistance including TANF child-only payments, homeless, or in foster care 1302.12 (c)(1)(i)-(v)
A program cannot deny enrollment based on...
What is disability, chronic health condition or its severity 1302.14(a)(4)
A program uses this document if determine if there are families experiencing a homelessness in the area, or children in foster care that could benefit from services, the program may reserve one or more enrollment slots for pregnant women and children experiencing homelessness and children in foster care, when a vacancy occurs.
What is the Community Needs Assessment? 1302.15 (c)
Who is responsible for monitoring attendance
Teacher, FSS, Senior Office Clerk Manager