Which halloween skin was rare at one point but came back to the item show, giving "OG"s a purple varient?
Who is the skull trooper?
Which ESD tutor stomps their foot whenever they get upset?
Who is Ngan?
Which character from scooby doo got turned into a meme because of his great power?
Who is Shaggy?
Who is ariana grande?
How many feet are in a mile?
What is 5280?
Which clan is Tfue signed to and sueing at the moment?
Who is FaZe?
Name one of the kids that left ESD this year?
Who is Tristen, Steven, Luke, Makoy, or Myla?
Where did the yodeling boy sing at?
Where is Walmart?
Who was featured on the old town road remix?
Who is Billy Ray Cryus?
How many kids does Mr.Jacob have?
What is 15?
What is the max battle pass skin for season 4?
Who is the Omega?
What happened to Mr.Jay?
What is 'He faked his death because he was a secret agent"?
What charater was made by combining yoda and oboma to make this meme?
Who is Yobama?
What is Cardi Bs real name?
Who is Belcalis Marlenis Almanzar?
Who plays the voice of pikachu in detective pikachu?
Who is ryan renalds?
What level did you have to reach before you could buy the renegage raider and how many v-bucks did it cost?
What is level 20 and 1200 v-bucks?
Who is the best tutor of all time to ever go to ESD?
Who is Mr.Ray?
Finish this statment "Let me guess your home...." from this infinaty war scene that was turned into a meme?
What is johnny eating when he gets caught in the johnny johnny yes papa video?
What is sugar?
In ratatouille one of the cheifs claimed that he has "killed a man with this ...."
What is "thumb"?
Name 3 of the items that could have been unvualted at the unvalting event.
What is the drumgun, airplane, sword, tactical smg, bounce pad, or grapler?
How old are all of the ESD tutors?
What is 21(jasmine), 19(ray), 19(killa), 18(ngan), 18(val), 35(Jacob)
What is the name of the song played on the crab dancing memes?
What is crab rave?
What kind of salad do the wiggles sing about?
What is fruit salad?
What is the name of Amarillos baseball staduim?
What is hodgetown?