Paragraph Organization
Sentence Types
Combine Sentences
Correct the Mistakes
What is a paragraph?
A paragraph is a group of sentences working together to explain a single main idea
What are ALL the parts of a paragraph? 5...
Title, Topic Sentence, Major Details, Minor Details, Concluding Sentence
Is this sentence simple, compound, or complex? John and Mary laughed together and cried together.
John is tall. John is thin.
John is tall and thin.
Capitalize the title correctly. my first time on an airplane
My First Time on an Airplane
What is a topic sentence and where do I find it?
The topic sentence is usually first or second sentence of a paragraph. It is the sentence that tells the reader the main idea. In other words, the topic sentence tells us what the paragraph is about.
What is an irrelevant detail?
It is a detail that does not belong in the paragraph because it is not about the main idea. An irrelevant detail breaks the unity of the paragraph by discussing an outside topic.
What kind of sentence is this? John and Mary went to the movies, but Steve and Suzie went to the mall.
John went to the mall. Mary went to the mall. John got ice cream. Mary got ice cream.
John and Mary went to the mall and got ice cream.
What are the three sentence mistakes we learned in this class?
Fragment, Comma Splice, Run-On
What are transition words and where do I put them?
Transition signals are words that let the reader know the relationships between sentences. We put transition signals like First, Second, Third in front of major details. We put transition signals like "For example" in minor details. In front of the concluding sentence we also use a transition signal like "In conclusion" or "To sum up"
What are the rules for capitalizing a title?
Capitalize the first letter of the first word. Capitalize the first letter of every other word in the title EXCEPT for small words like the, a, an, of, in, with, to, etc. These little words are called function words. These are words that have a grammatical importance but don't really have a strong meaning.
What kind of sentence is this? If you ever visit Philadelphia, you should check out the Philadelphia Art Museum.
My mother speaks English. My mother speaks it well. She is fluent in Greek.
My mother speaks English well, but she is fluent in Greek.
Fix the mistake: We ate dinner, then we played video games.
We ate dinner and then played video games. We ate dinner, and then we played video games.
What is the difference between major details and minor details?
Major details explain the main idea given in the topic sentence. For example if the topic sentence is: "There are three differences between Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts", the major details will state the three differences. Major Detail 1: The first difference is the quality of the coffee. Major Detail 2: The second difference is the amount of pastries available. Major Detail 3: Last but not least, Dunkin Donuts and Starbuck's differ in the prices of their products. The minor details, on the other hand, come between the major details and explain them with facts and examples. They fully explain each of the reasons that are introduced in the major details. In this paragraph my minor details would explain each of the three differences between Dunkin Donuts and Starbucks.
Come up with three major detail sentences for the topic sentence below: Learning English is important for these reasons.
1. It helps you communicate more easily with people around the world. 2. It allows you to attend university in English-speaking countries. 3. It may help you earn a promotion or a better job.
What kind of sentence is this? After the party, Tom and Tina cleaned the kitchen while listening to music and talking about their summer plans.
Make this a complex sentence with IF You do not study at home. You will not improve.
If you do not study at home, you will not improve
For example, soccer, basketball, baseball, and tennis. What kind of mistake is this? Rewrite this as a correct mistake.
For example, soccer, basketball, baseball, and tennis are some of the games that we play after school.
What are subordinators and conjunctions and what is the difference between them?
Conjunctions are FANBOYS (For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So) They are used in simple sentences and in compound sentences. Subordinators are words like Because, Since, When, After, Before, and If. These words are used in complex sentences.
Add a topic sentence, a concluding sentence, and 2 minor details to this paragraph ...Some people skip breakfast because they think it will help them lose weight. Another reason people give is that they simply don't like to eat in the mornings. Finally, the most common reason is lack of time...
TS - There are three main reasons people skip breakfast. 1. They think that if they eat less food, they will lose weight. 2. Some people would rather have a cup of coffee than a full meal. They just are not very hungry in the mornings. 3. Many people are in a rush in the morning. Eating breakfast is not a priority. CS Even though breakfast is a very important meal, people often skip it for these three reasons.
What kind of sentence is this? Simple, Compound, or Complex When Jane found a bundle of flowers sitting on her doorstep upon entry to her house, she immediately realized with all joy that she truly did love him after all, and that Rick loves her just the same.
John went to the mall. Jack went to the mall. Cindy went to the mall. Lisa went to the movies. Tom went to the movies. Bill went to the movies. They did this last night. They did this while their parents were at the party.
Last night, while their parents were at the party, Jack, Cindy, and Cindy went to the mall, and/but/while Lisa, Tom, and Bill went to the movies.
Because they work so many hours. What kind of mistake is this, and how do I fix it?
Because they work so many hours, doctors may not spend much time with their families.