Chapters 1-3
Chapters 4-6
Chapters 7-9
Chapters 10-11
Graphs and Charts
Fill in the blank AND identify part of speech. The sisters were able to _______________ easily to their new environment.
Adapt (verb)- to become accustomed to new conditions
Fill in the blank AND identify part of speech. The pollution in the air may ____ the tree's ability to grow.
Inhibit (verb) -to restrain, prevent, hinder
Fill in the blank AND identify part of speech. Today was a bad day for business. The value of stocks __________ dramatically.
plummet (v)- to fall or drop quickly
Fill in the blank AND identify part of speech. The _______ that saved the papaya crop from a disease was added to the plant through genetic modification.
property (noun)-characteristic, trait, quality
According to the graph on page 179, in what year are the developing countries expected to surpass developed countries in terms of greenhouse gas emissions?
Fill in the blank AND identify part of speech She is an excellent party host because of her _____ personality
Gregarious (adj)- fond of the company of others; sociable
Fill in the blank AND identify part of speech Often, speaking in front of their___________ makes students nervous.
peers (noun)- people of the same age or status
Fill in the blank AND identify part of speech. The guards carefully monitor the ____ of the prison to make sure no inmates escape over the walls.
perimeter (n)- the border or outermost limit
Fill in the blank AND identify part of speech. One reason that genetically modified crops are becoming popular is because they are ________ to disease.
resistant (adj)-the ability not to be affected by something
Name the third largest contributor to global CO2 emissions in 2002, according to the graph on page 178.
Identify the part of speech and use the word INCONSPICUOUS in an original sentence.
Inconspicuous (adj)- Not clearly visible or standing out Ex: The office was difficult to find because it was in a row of inconspicuous brick buildings.
Identify the part of speech and use the word PROCLIVITY in a sentence.
proclivity (noun)-a natural inclination or tendency Ex: I'm pretty sure dogs are born with the proclivity to enjoy riding in cars with the windows down.
Identify the part of speech and use the word ORTHODONTIST in a sentence.
orthodontist (N)-dentist who specializes in the alignment of crooked teeth
Identify the part of speech and use the word ALLERGEN in a sentence.
allergen (noun)-a substance that causes an allergic reaction
Open your book to "The World Turns Gray" (page 220-223). In 1995, what was the average number of contributors per retiree in public pension systems in Japan?
2.6 workers per retiree
Define AND identify the part of speech for CIRCUMVENT in the following sentence: Unable to answer, John circumvented the question altogether.
To avoid, find a way around VERB- past tense
Define AND identify the part of speech for HOVER in the following sentence: She HOVERED anxiously in the background.
Hover (verb)- to wait or linger close at hand in an uncertain manner or tentatively
Define AND identify the part of speech for VERACITY in the following sentence: After she betrayed his trust, Walter is starting to doubt the VERACITY of her story.
veracity (noun)- accuracy, conformity to facts
Define AND identify the part of speech for TURMOIL.
turmoil (noun)-a state of confusion, chaos, havoc
According to the map on page 182, what country was responsible for 500-1000 million metric tons of carbon emissions in 2000?
Define, identify part of speech, AND use the word VOCIFEROUS in a sentence.
Vociferous (adj)- loud, noisy, vocal
Define, identify part of speech, AND use the word PRESAGE in a sentence.
presage (verb)- to forecast or predict something ahead of time
Define, identify part of speech, AND use the word DWINDLE in a sentence.
dwindle (v)- to become smaller, decrease, or diminish gradually
Define, identify part of speech, AND use the word PRECARIOUS in a sentence.
Precarious (adj)- dangerous, perilous, risky
The graph on page 174 shows the percentage of land area covered by precipitation originating from extreme weather events. How many INCHES of precipitation are required for a weather event to be considered "extreme," according to this figure.
2 inches