What is a model of a book?
What is “Bat in the darkness” compared to?
A fish in water
You can fold, bend, or tear a _____ to change it.
The girl watches the bird.
watches - action
Do you think illustrators have an interesting job? Why?
Answers may vary...
Do illustrators illustrate every scence?
No, they decide which scenes to illustrate
What does Bat use like a flashlight?
Her voice
What happens when heat is removed from a liquid?
It freezes
Bat flies to the roof.
flies - action
What happens when a liquid gets enough heat?
It boils
What do illustrators do?
Tell stories with pictures
What is echolocation?
Using sound to find your way
What is a pencil case an example of?
A mixture
The student was very sad.
was - be
Where does Santa live?
The North Pole
Rough scribbles
What was Bat looking for?
Her supper
When a solid is _______, it changes into something else.
Eli sleeps all night in his bed.
sleeps - action
What is a mixture you made? What was in it? What happened to the different parts?
Answers may vary...
What can an illustrator do?
Decide the size and shape of the book, how the characters look, how the setting looks
How much can Bat eat a night?
Dozens of moths
Hot chocolate is a mixture you cannot do what to?
The boy is very loud.
is - be
What is another name for Santa Claus?
Ol' Saint Nick