What type of animal is a snake?
A reptile
Some animals live on land. Others live in ..........
What does a horse eat?
Animals are born, grow older, make other animals like themselves, and then die. This is their ...........
Life cycle
Name 1 resource.
Trees, soil, water, oil etc
Name 2 types of insect.
What do you call a place where animals can live and be safe?
A shelter
What is a herbivore?
An animal the only eats plants
What do you call a baby frog?
A tadpole
What is a border?
Where a state or country ends.
What kind of animal gives birth to live young?
How do their beaks help birds?
They help them eat food.
What is a carnivore?
An animal that only eats meat.
Are birds born with feathers?
What is a valley?
A valley is low land between mountains.
What is special about amphibians?
They can live on land and in water.
What do animals need to live? List 4 things.
Food, water, air and a safe place to live.
What type of teeth do carnivores have?
They have sharp teeth
How does a bird learn how to fly and find food?
By watching it's parents.
Name the two oceans that surround the USA
The Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean.
Reptiles have dry skin and .............
Do dolphins have gills or lungs?
What kind of teeth do herbivores have?
Herbivores have flat teeth.
Describe a frog's life cycle.
They are born as tadpoles in the water. As they get older they grow lungs, become frogs and move on to the land.
How many states does the USA have?