How many legs does a cat have?
A cat has four legs.
What can you ride?
I can ride a ....
Tell me a red fruit
An apple is red.
What can you sit on?
I can sit on a sofa.
Tell me three things in the mountains.
There are trees, animals, and plants in the mountains.
How many legs does an ant have?
An ant has six legs.
Where can you swim?
I can swim in the .......
Tell me a food that is long.
Spaghetti is long.
Where can you watch tv?
I can watch tv in the living room.
Tell me three animals in the ocean.
There are whales, sharks, and crabs in the ocean.
How many legs does a spider have?
A spider has eight legs.
What can you climb?
I can climb.....
Tell me a fruit that is round.
An orange is round.
Where can you wash your hands?
I can wash my hands in the sink.
Tell me something you like to do outside.
I like to play with my friends.
How many legs does a snake have?
A snake doesn't have legs.
Where can you eat?
I can eat in the....
Tell me a food that is spicy.
Ramen is spicy.
What can you use to eat?
I can use chopsticks to eat.
Tell me three things you can see in the sky.
I can see birds, clouds, and planes in the sky.
How many legs do you have?
I have two legs.
What color is a flower?
A flower is many colors.
Tell me your favorite food.
My favorite food is....
What can you use to drink?
I can use a cup to drink.
Tell me three beautiful things you can find outside.
Three beautiful things are flowers, sunsets, and people.