US History
Grammar 1
Grammar 2

The First Amendment to the Constitution gives the people freedom in which of these areas: 

A: religion, speech, healthcare, assembly, complaining to or about the government

B: religion, speech, assembly, the press (media), complaining to or about the government

C: religion, speech, travel, assembly, complaining to or about the government

B:  religion, speech, assembly, the press (media), complaining to or about the government


Who were the first people to set foot in the U.S. territory? 

A: Vikings

B: Italians

C. Native Americans, probably from Asia originally

D. Elves

C. Native Americans, probably from Asia originally


Which is correct? 

A: He go to the store everyday. 

B: He goes to the store everyday. 

C: He do go to the store everyday. 

D: He do done did go to the store everyday. 

B: He goes to the store everyday.


Which is correct? 

A: My brother drove to Ocean Shores yesterday

B: My brother did drive to Ocean Shores yesterday

C. My brother drived to Ocean Shores yesterday

A: My brother drove to Ocean Shores yesterday


Which sentence is correct? 

A: I have beer, but I don't have eggs and cheese. 

B: I have beer but I don't have eggs and cheese. 

C. I have beer but, I don't have eggs and cheese. 

A: I have beer, but I don't have eggs and cheese.


The Second Amendment gives the people, or a state militia the right to "bear arms." This means the right to....

A: own a gun

B: give guns to bears

C: give bears without arms a gun

A: own a gun


The first people to establish a colony in the U.S. wanted to do what? 

A: be free to practice their religion

B: grow tobacco and other crops

C: smoke marijuana and eat Doritos. 

B: grow tobacco and other crops


Which is correct? 

A: The government passing laws

B: The government pass laws

C. The government passes laws

D. The government do pass laws

C. The government passes laws


Which is correct? 

Mom:  What were you doing yesterday when I called? You didn't pick up the phone. 


A: I practice the guitar.

B: I was practicing the guitar

C: I practiced the guitar. 

B: I was practicing the guitar


Which sentence is correct? 

A: She went to the market, and bought some bread. 

B: She went to the market and, bought some bread. 

C: She went to the market and bought some bread. 

C: She went to the market and bought some bread.


The Fourth Amendment says: 

A: The police must have a warrant ( a signed note from a judge) to enter and search your house unless you tell them it's okay. 

B: If you cannot afford to pay for a lawyer, the court will give you one. 

A: The police must have a warrant ( a signed note from a judge) to enter and search your house unless you tell them it's okay.


When did the Pilgrims land in Massachusetts?

A: 1609

B: 1619

C. 1620

D. 1610

E: 1969

C. 1620


Which is correct? 

A: The people have human rights

B: The people has human rights

C: The people do has human rights

A: The people have human rights


Which is correct? 

A: When was the last time you wrote a letter? 

B: When was the last time you did write a letter? 

C: When did the last time you wrote a letter? 

A: When was the last time you wrote a letter?


Correct the sentence 

I was hungry, because I did not eat this morning.  

I was hungry because I did not eat this morning.  


For the Fifth Amendment, it says that you do not have to do what if you are arrested for a criminal charge? 

Testify against yourself. You can remain (or be) silent if you want to in court. 


Which people didn't get the right to vote until 1920: 

A: Black people

B: Women

C: Short people

B: Women


Correct the sentence

He do not plays baseball

He does not play baseball


Correct the sentence: 

When does Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence? 

When did Thomas Jefferson write the Declaration of Independence? 


Correct the sentence:

Because I ate too much I got sick. 

Because I ate too much, I got sick.


In 1865, what practice did the U.S. stop by order of the 13th Amendment?



Which group of people were put in internment camps in the U.S. in California during World War 2 and why was that? When did the U.S. pay them reparations (money back) for this ill-treatment?

Japanese Americans. The U.S. authorities didn't trust their loyalty to the U.S. and feared they would spy for Japan. They finally received reparations in 1988. 


Correct the sentence

Where did you went yesterday? 

Where did you go yesterday? 


Unscramble the sentence and correct the grammar:

mom take knock bath a I was my call when

I was talking a bath when my mom called. 


Correct the sentence: 

I was born in Philadelphia  , my mother brought me home from the hospital two days later. 

I was born in Philadelphia. My mother brought me home from the hospital two days later.
