PS 2.1 Author's Purpose
PS 3.1 Inferencing
PS 4.1 Main Idea
S 6.1 Plot
PS 2.1 Point of View
S 15.1 Verb Tense

True or False

An author's purpose is the story about why someone decided to become a writer.


An author's purpose is his reason for writing. An author's purpose may be to entertain, to persuade, or to inform the reader.


True or False
When you make an inference, you are making a guess using details from the story and your background knowledge.



True or False
The main idea or theme is one word about what the whole story or article is about.


The main idea sentence is a sentence that mentions the most important point or thought about a certain topic.


What is the end of the story where the conflict is resolved called?

a) Climax

b) Exposition

c) Falling Action

d) Resolution

e) Rising Action

d) Resolution


True or False

Point of View is the perspective from which a story is told.



Rewrite the sentence using the correct verb form.

My friend (walk) to school with me every morning.

My friend walks to school with me every morning.


What is the author’s purpose: to inform, persuade, or entertain.

An “X-Men” comic book.



Today I was late for my volleyball game. Mom pulled the car over several times to study the map she had printed off the Internet. Mom even made me go into a convenience store to see if I could get some help in there. When we finally got to the gym, the girls on my team were almost finished warming up.

We can infer from the passage that the student was late for the game because...

The girl and her mom got lost on the way to the game.


Read the passage, and then select the main idea sentence you would bracket [ ].

A tornado is an extremely dangerous form of weather. It is actually a rotating tube of air that touches the ground and a cloud at the same time. They are called twisters because they are rotating. the reason they are so dangerous is because they travel at speeds up to 300 miles per hour! Tornados are formed when warm air and cool air meet in the sky. These columns of violent air can pick up cars, uproot trees, and knock over buildings.

[A tornado is an extremely dangerous form of weather.]


What do we call the introduction of the story which shares with the reader information like the setting, characters, and basic situation?

a) Climax

b) Exposition

c) Falling Action

d) Resolution

e) Rising Action

b) Exposition


The boy ran home quickly so he did not miss his favorite TV show.

Third Person Point of View


Rewrite the sentence using the correct verb form.

Dad is (cook) us dinner tonight.

Dad is cooking us dinner tonight.


What is the author’s purpose: to inform, persuade, or entertain.

An article arguing why Michael Jordan is the greatest basketball player ever.



An Archaeologist working at a site in Arizona found pottery shards, corn cobs and squash seeds, and lengths of rough wooden polls in the structures. The archaeologist reported at a news conference that the ancient people were farmers. 

What evidence did the scientist use to support this inference?

the artifacts are things commonly used to farm


Read the passage, and then select the main idea sentence you would bracket [ ].

Passing fears are common in early childhood. Many 2- to 4-year-olds are afraid of animals, especially dogs, and by 6 years, children are more likely to be afraid of the dark. Other passing fears that are quite common include being afraid of thunderstorms, doctors, and imaginary creatures. Typically, these fears do not last past childhood and tend to go away as the child matures.

[Passing fears are common in early childhood.]


What do we call the events after the climax, when the conflict is resolved?

a) Climax

b) Exposition

c) Falling Action

d) Resolution

e) Rising Action

c) Falling Action


The stars were burning brightly in the night sky. The evening breeze felt cool on my skin. It was the last night of summer break and I was calm, oddly calm. It's not that I was excited to go back to school. I wasn't. School is a lot of work for me. I was excited to see my friends again.

First Person Point of View


Rewrite the sentence using the correct verb form.

My grandma (bake) chocolate chip cookies when I went to see her this weekend.

My grandma baked chocolate chip cookies when I went to see her this weekend.


What is the author’s purpose: to inform, persuade, or entertain.

A biography about the accomplishments of Martin Luther King Jr.



The hippopotamus spends a lot of time in water. In fact, the name of this amazing African animal means "river horse." During a hot day, a hippo will spend hours in rivers and lakes. Only its eyes, ears, and nostrils can be seen above the water. This helps to keep the hairless animal from getting sunburned. Although it eats water plants, the hippo goes ashore at night to find larger plants. If it is the dry season and the water is low, a hippo rolls in mud to cover its huge body. This way its skin doesn't dry out.

What can we infer from the passage about hippos' skin?

Hippos have sensitive skin.


Read the passage, and then select the main idea sentence you would bracket [ ].

The hippopotamus spends a lot of time in water. In fact, the name of this amazing African animal means "river horse." During a hot day, a hippo will spend hours in rivers and lakes. Only its eyes, ears, and nostrils can be seen above the water. This helps to keep the hairless animal from getting sunburned. Although it eats water plants, the hippo goes ashore at night to find larger plants. If it is the dry season and the water is low, a hippo rolls in mud to cover its huge body. This way its skin doesn't dry out.

[The hippopotamus spends a lot of time in water.]


What do we call the most intense, exciting, or important point of a story?

a) Climax

b) Exposition

c) Falling Action

d) Resolution

e) Rising Action

a) Climax


The dew on the grass made my running shoes damp. It didn't bother me. The sound of my feet hitting the street formed a rhythm, a steady pattern of light thumps. I timed my breathing with the rhythm. These sounds filled my head. I thought of nothing other than the next step and keeping my tempo. I soared over the sidewalks like concrete clouds.

First Person Point of View


Rewrite the sentence using the correct verb form.

My oldest sister (run) a mile every day last week.

My oldest sister ran a mile every day last week.


What is the author’s purpose: to inform, persuade, or entertain.

A website saying that a new shopping mall should not be built because it threatens an endangered bald eagle’s home. The website also lists other reasons why the mall should not be built.



“Tommy!” Mom called out as she walked in the front door. “Tommy,” she continued shouting, “I sure could use some help with these groceries. There was still no reply. Mom walked into the kitchen to put the grocery bags down on the counter when she noticed shattered glass from the picture window all over the living room floor and a baseball not far from there. “What did you do now, Tommy!?” Mom yelled to herself as she realized that Tommy’s shoes were gone.

Make an inference about what happened to the window and why Tommy left.

Tommy broke the window playing baseball in the house. He left because he thought he was going to get in trouble.


Read the passage, and then select the main idea sentence you would bracket [ ].

Roblox is part of the metaverse, a "place" parallel to the physical world. The term has become popular.  Millions of people spend time in virtual spaces like Meta, Fortnite, and Roblox. Other virtual platforms are growing, too. These places allow you to do many things you can do in the real world, but from the comfort of your own home. For better or worse, we're spending more of our lives in digital spaces.

[For better or worse, we're spending more of our lives in digital spaces.]


What do we call the events that build the conflict, leading to the climax?

a) Climax

b) Exposition

c) Falling Action

d) Resolution

e) Rising Action

e) Rising Action


Jeremiah squinted from the sun. He was thinking about the game. They could have won. He could have won the game for them. All he needed to do was catch the ball, but he didn't. He dropped it. His coach talked to him. "Jeremiah, we had a great season. Nobody's perfect. Look at me. Ha ha," he said. Jeremiah smiled at the coach, but he couldn't forgive himself so easily.

Third Person Point of View


Rewrite the sentence using the correct verb form.

I can't (find) the $20 dollar bill I got on my birthday.

I can't find the $20 dollar bill I got on my birthday.
