Was the brown cow heavier than the black cow? (YES)
Yes, it was heavier than the black cow.
Was the brown goats heavier than the black goats?
Was -> Were
long, ______, the longest
fast, faster, ___ _______
the fastest
Were the orange butterflies more colorful than the pink butterflies? (YES)
Yes, they were more colorful than the pink butterflies.
Yes, it is the beautifullest.
beautifullest -> most beautiful
colorful, ____ ________, the most colorful
more colorful
small, smaller, ___ ________
the smallest
Was the gray donkey smaller than the brown donkey? (NO)
No, it wasn't smaller than the brown donkey.
Is the red caterpillar the longer?
longer -> longest
fat, ______, the fattest
heavy, heavier, ___ ________
the heaviest
No, they weren't longer than the white sheep.
Which hummingbird is the smalest?
smalest -> smallest
pretty, ________, the prettiest
excellent, more excellent, ___ ____ _________
the most excellent
Was the pretty, Taiwanese teacher taller than the handsome, Australian teacher?
No, she wasn't taller than the handsome, Australian teacher.
Yes, the white sheeps were heavier than the purple sheeps.
sheeps -> sheep
good, ______, the best
bad, worse, ___ _____
the worst