Verbs (Fill in the Blank)
Adverb Clauses
Adjective Complements
Direct Quotes
When I was younger, I ________ watch cartoons every day. a) used to b) would c) either
c) either
Identify the adverb clause in the following sentence: I saw the sign after I turned down the wrong road.
"after I turned down the wrong road."
Identify the adjective complement in the following sentence: Ned was upset with his family.
"with his family"
True or False: This sentence contains no errors - Darryl stated that, "Nobody can beat me in ping pong."
False: Darryl stated, "Nobody can beat me in ping pong."
Name 3 of the FANBOYS.
for and nor but or yet so
The research has _______ that dolphins are highly intelligent. a) found b) thought c) either
a) found
What is the error in the following sentence? Before I entered the room I took a deep breath.
Before I entered the room, I took a deep breath.
Complete the adjective complement in the following sentence: Everybody was amazed that _____________
Complete with a clause.
True or False: This sentence contains no errors - Alice said that she "simply can't stand spicy foods."
True. No errors.
True or False: The following sentence is punctuated correctly - Sonya enjoys figure skating, cooking, and playing violent video games.
Last night, Mr. Eric __________ take me to the mall. a) used not to b) would not c) either
b) would not
Combine the following sentences using an adverb clause: Leonard sang along to the radio. He stopped when his friends told him to shut up.
Leonard sang along to the radio until his friends told him to shut up.
Complete the adjective complement in the following sentence: I knew the test would be challenging, so I was sure to _____________
Complete with an infinitive verb.
True or False: This sentence contains no errors - "I've never really been interested in history", explained Marco.
False. "I've never really been interested in history," explained Marco.
True or false: The following sentence is punctuated correctly - Kyle is an incredibly wealthy and successful man but he is always very humble.
False. Kyle is an incredibly wealthy and successful man, but he is always very humble.
Briggs __________ us that alligators are over 60 million years old. a) explains b) informs c) either
b) informs
Combine the following sentences using an adverb clause: Kenneth jogs around his neighborhood every morning. At the same time, he listens to jazz on his iPod.
Every time Kenneth jogs around his neighborhood, he listens to jazz on his iPod.
Complete the adjective complement in the following sentence: Gerald's sister was very upset about ____________
Complete with a phrase.
Insert punctuation into the following sentence - Sara asked "Where are all the other students"
Sara asked, "Where are all the other students?"
Combine the following sentences using one of the FANBOYS: I love fishing. For that reason, I bought a boat this summer.
I love fishing, so I bought a boat this summer.
Alex _________ be a rock star, but now he bags groceries at the supermarket. a) used to b) would c) either
a) used to
Combine the following sentences using an adverb clause: Edmund wrote a best-selling novel. Now he has been avoiding his fans.
Since writing a best-selling novel, Edmund has been avoiding his fans.
"Mrs. Stein was prone to fall asleep after her alarm went off." In the above sentence, what does "prone to" mean?
"likely to" (especially when it is a habit or repeated action)
Insert punctuation into the following sentence - "I might not be the tallest member of the basketball team" reasoned Miguel "but I am the fastest"
"I might not be the tallest member of the basketball team," reasoned Miguel, "but I am the fastest."
Combine the following sentences using one of the FANBOYS: I do not like pasta. I also do not like blue cheese.
I do not like pasta or blue cheese. I do not like pasta, nor do I like blue cheese.