About the Course
Course Content
Attendance / Smart Phone
ESL Computer Lab

What is the name of this course?

ESL 531 Inter-low Listening/Speaking


What are the 3 main English skills that we will target on?

In this class, we will target on listening, speaking, and grammar.

Is there going to be homework in this class?



Do you have to attend every class?

Yes! You are expected to attend every class, and attendance will be taken for every class.


Where is the ESL lab located?

It is located in room L-120 on the 1st floor of the library, where the Reading Writing Center (RWC) is located.


What time and days do we meet?

We meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6:15pm to 8:05pm.


Why is it important to identify speaker's role, intent, tone, and mood?

Answer varies.


Where can you get instructions for homework?

The instructor will give the instructions in class. All the instructions can also be found on our Canvas course shell.


Can you make or receive phone calls during class?

If it is an unexpected important call, you may answer it / call outside of the classroom. If you are expecting an important call, please sit close to the door.


Is the ESL lab mandatory?

The ESL lab is mandatory for students taking ESL 322/522 and ESL 312.

For other students, the ESL lab is strongly recommended.

Name 3 ways you can connect with the instructor.

1. Email

2. Canvas inbox

3. Pronto

4. Office hour after class or by appointment


Why is relating gestures and non-verbal language important?

Answer varies.


Can I turn in my homework late?

The syllabus mentions that grades will be marked down, but if you communicate that you need an extra day or so, you will be excused. However, homework that is past due 2 weeks or more will no longer be accepted. Late homework without communication will be marked down. 


Can you use your phone on a quiz / test?

No. All smartphones should be put away. Depending on the type of the quiz/test, students will be given a chance to look up words to understand the questions before the quiz/test starts.


Why is the ESL lab strongly recommended?

Students can get one-on-one help with their specific needs for all English skills.


List 3 materials you need for the class.

1. Computer / laptop (Don't need to bring it)

2. A notebook or paper to take notes on

3. Pen / pencil

4. A folder / binder to keep handouts

5. Any English Dictionary


Name 3 types of questions.

The basic answer to this is:

1. Yes/No questions

2. Open-ended questions (wh- questions)

3. Choice questions


How do you turn in your homework if you are absent?

Depending on the assignment, you can either hand it in during the next class meeting, send it to the instructor's email, or upload it to Canvas assignment.


What happens if you are absent more than a week without notifying the teacher or respond to the teacher's email?

You may be dropped from the course with or without notice.


What do you need to do to use the ESL lab service?

You need to be registered to ESL 322L/522L, ESL 312L, or ESL 508.


How / where can you get your textbook for this class?

You can pick up your textbook loan at the library. Be sure to bring your student ID.

Provide them with one of the info:

a. Class number / section

b. Instructor's name

c. Book title


Write the following sentence in the simple progressive, simple past, and future tenses:

"I pick up my children from school."

Simple progressive: I am picking up my children from school.

Simple past: I picked up my children from school.

Future: I will pick up my children from school. / I am going to pick up my children from school. / I am picking up my children from school.


What is one example of an homework assignment?

Some examples may be: completing text exercises, preparing for class discussions/presentation, watching and analyzing videos, or completing class / individual projects.


Recording yourself introducing a photo you took.

Recording yourself reading a text. 

Completing a worksheet with short answers on an audio / video clip.

Completing exercises in the textbook.

Reviewing new words / class notes / audio clips at home.


What is your responsibility if you are absent from a class?

1. Let the teacher know.

2. Submit the homework that is due.

3. Make up all the class work / quizzes.

4. Check Canvas / announcements for class work / homework information.


Other than individual help, what else can you do?

There are group workshops offered by our ESL faculty throughout the semester. Once the workshop schedule is updated, I will let you know.
