What is matter?
Anything in the universe that takes up space.
How many elements are in a compound?
Two or more.
Scientists invented the particle accelerator? True or false?
What is the energy of motion called?
Kinetic energy.
What do people use light energy for?
To help us see.
What are atoms?
Tiny particles that are too small to see.
How many elements can be found in the universe?
Over 100.
What does a particle accelerator do?
It smashes atoms together and breaks them.
Can energy be stored? Yes or No.
Why is electricity a useful energy?
Because it can mover over long distances and be stored.
How many kinds of atoms are in an element?
One kind.
As an acid or a base
What is the biggest particle accelerator called?
The LHC.
What is stored energy called?
Potential energy.
Where can electricity be stored?
Inside batteries.
How are elements sorted?
They are sorted by metals and nonmetals.
How can you tell if something is an acid?
It tastes sour or turns pH paper red.
How long is the LHC tunnel?
27 km.
how can something be given potential energy? (3 ways)
By putting it up high, stretching it, or bending it.
How do plants store light energy?
As chemical energy during photosynthesis.
Why do scientists use the periodic table?
To understand how elements are the same and different from each other.
What color do bases turn pH paper to?
Are protons and neutrons the smallest particles?
No. Quarks are.
How can potential energy be changed to kinetic energy?
By dropping the object or releasing its stretch.
How can people get energy from fuel?
By burning it.