Esperanza Rising

Who was the man that tried to force Esperanza's mother to marry him? 

Tio Luis


I saw ____ movie last night.

(the, a, __)

I saw a movie last night.


Her hair was tied at the _______________ of her neck.

nape, adobe, premonition 

Her hair was tied at the nape of her neck.


I'm feeling a bit ___________ and need to go home.

hot potato

under the weather

to get cold feet

I'm feeling a bit under the weather and need to go home.


Do you want to go to _____ restaurant where we first met?

a, an, the, ____

Do you want to go to the restaurant where we first met?


What was Miguel's dream?

To work for the railroad as a mechanic 


You _____ leave small objects lying around when you have small children in the house.

(shouldn't, need, needn't, may not)

You shouldn't leave small objects lying around when you have small children in the house.


She couldn’t see the mountain because the sky was too ____________.

peculiar contagious, hazy, eerie 

She couldn’t see the mountain because the sky was too hazy.


To get cold feet means?

To suddenly become afraid to do something.


Why did Esperanza help Marta when she was in trouble?

She thought of Marta's mother and couldn't leave her alone.


Why wasn't Isabel picked to be May Queen?

The teacher was prejudiced.


Correct the run-on sentence

I like playing tennis it makes me tired.

I like playing tennis, but it makes me tired.


Drinking water is good for the ______________.

peasant, amazed, complexion 

Drinking water is good for the complexion.


In the USA, gun control remains a _______ in politics.

Idiom for a delicate subject

In the USA, gun control remains a hot potato in politics.


Correct the run-on sentence

I don’t want much for my birthday I just want some books and dolls.

I don’t want much for my birthday; I just want some books and dolls.  

I don’t want much for my birthday. I just want some books and dolls. 

I don’t want much for my birthday except some books and dolls.


What was Esperanza's first job?

Taking care of the babies


The post office in town, _____ we usually go to ship parcels, is closed.

(that, which, where)

The post office in town, where we usually go to ship parcels, is closed


After running through the grass with no shoes, Bill developed a ____________. His feet were red and itchy.

contagious, makeshift, mulch, rash 

After running through the grass with no shoes, Bill developed a rush. His feet were red and itchy.


An idiom to say do not give up, is?

___________ for it soon will be over.

Hang in there


Why did Marta say that the workers were kittens? What did she want them to do? What kind of figurative speech is this?

They were small and meek. She wanted the workers to strike. It's a metaphor.


What made the babies feel better after eating plums?

Rice water


_________ is good good enough for his mom.

(Nothing, Everything)

Nothing is good enough for his mom.


The school band's performance sounded more like a ________________ than music.

hover, cacophony, torrent, careen

The school band's performance sounded more like a cacophony than music.


What does the idiom over the moon mean?

To be extremely pleased and happy.


Abuelita tells Esperanza while knitting, "do not be afraid to start over." How does Esperanza "start over?"

When Esperanza's father dies, she loses the stability of her family and her home. She must start over physically when she and Mama leave everything behind and move to the United States. Once she arrives in California, Esperanza has to start from scratch when it comes to contributing to the camp. She has no idea how to do chores or manual labor. Also, in the camp, it does not matter that Esperanza is the daughter of a wealthy landowner, or that she once was a member of a higher social class - she must learn to work hard like everyone else, and she faces the same prejudices as all the Mexicans in America.
