Latino/a/ Hispanic Learners
New Immigrant Learners of the 21st Century
Black & Middle East Immigrant Students
Building Relationship with Culturally Diverse Students
Bonus Round
There is disagreement, even at the federal government level, about these titles representing this minority group.
What is the Latino/a/ Hispanic minority?
Many recent immigrants are well educated; these same immigrants hold high educational expectations, and most families are intact.
What are some of the reasons why immigrant students may do better than nonimmigrant students?
Black immigrant students may not gravitate to Black American students and these students may not understand African American cultural norms.
What are two facts teachers need to know about Black immigrant students?
Greet, listen, share, engage, respect, give feedback, and say goodbye.
What is welcoming students to your classroom?
Nonverbal gestures and our preferences for interacting with others.
What is our communication style?
These cultures represent the US Census Bureau's definition of a person of Hispanic or Latino origin. Hint: There are 7 cultures.
What is a person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American or other Spanish culture of origin regardless of race?
Recommendations for working with Asian students.
What is understanding that the students are considered "model minorities", and are bullied more than other minorities.
Students come from this volatile part of the world which includes 16 different countries.
What is the Middle East?
Posting images of the same minority group as the students throughout the school; solicit people of different cultures to volunteer in the school; take students on field trips where there are businesses owned by diverse cultural groups.
What are some ways to provide visual images for your minority students?
We can only hope to manage this, not resolve it.
What is conflict?
California, New York, Florida, Texas, and Illinois.
What are the 5 States with the highest population of Hispanics?
Solicit Asian parents to participate in your classroom, invite an author of Asian heritage to school for a presentation, and don't assume all Asians belong to one ethnic group.
What are recommendations for working with Asian students?
Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Baha'ism and Zoroastrianism.
What are the five major religions that are found in the Middle East?
The definition of this Spanish word goes beyond respect. It means that I deeply honor you both as a person and as someone different from myself. Synonyms for this word are: deference and esteem.
What is respecto?
In many cases, the first choice made to deal with conflict.
What is avoidance?
The preferred type of learning by Hispanics.
What is group work?
An interesting fact about the volume of Black immigrants to the US today when contrasted to the history of Black immigration.
What is a greater number of Black immigrants coming to the US today than during the time of slavery for the first time in US history?
Middle Eastern children are more likely to do this speech related activity more so than any other groups of children.
What is speaking a second language?
We react to our students with more than words alone. Our tone of voice, and physical demeanor impact the way students perceive us.
What is body language?
This word refers to a teacher's inability to recognize differences between and among minorities.
What is colorblindness?
Giving explicit instructions, creating a "class book" to be shared with families, and posting cultural artifacts in the classroom.
What are effective teaching approaches for Hispanic/Latino/a/ students?
The desire to flee genocide.
What is one of the reasons that Africans come to the US?
The type of school these immigrant children are more likely to attend than any other immigrant group.
What is a private school?
Your interpretation of this is gleaned by your observation of the way students enter the room.
What is the emotional climate?
This word means the generalization of a group of people. An example would be: All white middle aged female teachers at ONU are beautiful.
What is stereotype?