Writing Strategies
Writing Process
Academic Language
Sentence Structure
How do you cite sources?
When you insert a signal phrase with the name of the author, you must include an in-text citation (name page #) at the end of the sentnece and include this author's work in the Works Cited page.
What are the steps in writing a research paper?
Planning Drafting Evaluating Revising
What language, what words can you use to show the reader who "owns an idea?" List some possible signal words.
argue assert claim explain show state
Modify the sentence structure to meet the expectation of the reader. Perhaps, it is time for educational researchers and game researchers to popularize the educational purpose games named serious game, which helps students to learn better by providing a fun environment for acquiring information and a safe and unreal environment to train special skills.
Educational and game researchers should advocate the value of games in education to help students learn in a safe and fun environment.
Find the prepositional phrases in the sentences. "Good local universities will help the development of local economic dynamism as graduates may move to more attractive places."
of local economic dynamism to more attractive places
What questions does a researcher asks to focus his or her claim/thesis?
What my claim is about. How I plan to prove the claim. Why the claim is significant.
What is the purpose of a claim/thesis?
The claim or thesis helps the writer to choose a topic that is debatable, then narrow the scope of his or her research so that he or she can focus on the points that will prove a point.
What language, what words can you use to create a believable tone in your writing? How can you present yourself from appearing overly certain? List some formal hedging markers.
Verbs: appear, indicate, suggest, tend to Modals: can, could, may, might Adverbs: about, approximately, presumably, unlikely, etc (p. 94)
Restructure these sentences to meet the expectation of the reader. "Nevertheless, people can be changed by the environment such as different type of urban design, plants, weather, or architecture. In video games, it should be the same: Players should be able to be affected by the different type of levels."
The environment affects people's moods and feelings in their daily life. The environment in a video game should also be able to impact the players in a similar fashion.
Find the subordinating clause in the sentences and decide if they function as a noun, adjective or adverb. 1. "I know that your name is Maya." 2. "The articles I read last week were interesting." 3. "The union leader spoke where the people demonstrated last week."
1. that you name is Maya - noun clause 2. (that) I read last week - adjective clause 3. where the people demonstrated last week. - adverb clause
What are the step to writing a summary?
Scan the article. Read the article. Highlight main ideas. State the overall ideas to yourself. Write a summary of the ideas in your own words. Omit examples.
What are the goals of the three part annotated bibliography?
To summarize the main points of the article. To assess its usefulness and compare it to other possible sources. To reflect on how this article might be useful to your research.
What strong verbs can you use to substitute for weak ones? How can you improve "The author 'got' a contract for two more novels." "The researchers 'found out' that the drug has serious side effects."
The author signed a contract for two more novels. The researchers discovered that the drug has serious side effects."
How can you improve the structure of the following sentence? "The orchestra is conducted by a famous musician from Italy."
Claudio Abbado, a famous maestro from Italy, conducts the orchestra.
What punctuation is needed in this sentences and where does it go? 1. A new study concludes that Thai Chi might promote better health it could decrease the pain of arthritis. 2. Although the famous house was destroyed the citizens hope to rebuild it.
1. A new study concludes that Thai Chi might promote better health; it could decrease the pain of arthritis. 2. Although the famous house was destroyed, the citizens hope to rebuild it.
What are the kind of outlines and what is their purpose?
There are alphanumeric and full sentence outlines. The outline helps you organize and track large amounts of information into logical relationships, and acts as a guide for your writing.
What is the purpose of the outline?
Helps organize you ideas. Presents your material in a logical form. Shows the relationship among your ideas. Constructs an ordered overview of your writing. Defines boundaries and groups.
How can you avoid weak "be verbs?" "The librarian 'is' at the library until 8 PM." "The question 'is' important."
The librarian remains (stays) at the library until 8 PM The question seems (looks) important."
Can you improve this claim/thesis? "By analyzing green design's impact through green product's motivation, product's life cycle stages and green design's applications, this paper will prove that green design does have a positive effect on contemporary product innovation, such as 50% of design companies have add green design principles to their design strategies in order to make higher incomes."
This paper will prove that green design does have a positive effect on contemporary product innovation by analyzing green design's impact through green product's motivation, product's life cycle stages and green design's applications. studies show that 50% of design companies have add green design principles to their design strategies in order to make higher incomes."
Articles- What articles, if any, do you need to add to the sentences? 1. I read book about Thomas Edison. 2. Windows in the door are broken. 3. Teachers are expected to be responsible citizens.
1. I read a book about Thomas Edison. 2. The windows in the door are broken. 3. Teachers are expected to be responsible citizens.
What are the strategies for effective paraphrasing?
Reorder the sentences. Restructure the sentences. Replace existing vocabulary with synonyms.
What is included in the introduction?
Background information and context for the paper. Previous research and a gap in that research. Purpose of your research. Claim/Thesis statement.
What precise adjectives, adverbs and nouns can replace the vague words in the following sentences? "This meal is really good."
This meal is incredibly delicious.
Can you modify this sentence to meet the reader's expectation? "While research texts written about the global welcome of modern martial arts films has stimulated critical debates and reflections on the aesthetics, politics, and economics of local Chinese cinemas, as well as the ideological implications of reinventing a ‘traditional’ genre for international audiences, against the backdrop of increasingly interpretable national and cultural borders brought on by the forces of globalization."
Modern martial art films have stimulated critical debates on aesthetics, politics and economics of the local Chinese cinema. These debates include the reinventing of this "traditional" genre for the international audience.
Insert the articles missing from the text. (p. 126) "Purpose of this conference is to provide forum for presentation of scientific, technical, and policy information related to impacts of climate change on agriculture and forestry, and potential role of management practices in related ecosystems and product use in mitigating climate change."
"The Purpose of this conference is to provide a forum for the presentation of scientific, technical, and policy information related to the impacts of climate change on agriculture and forestry, and the potential role of management practices in related ecosystems and product use in mitigating climate change."