You have 5 of these on each hand.
In this sport, you score by throwing a ball into a net with your hands
It is bigger than a smart phone but smaller than a laptop.
The white liquid produced by cows, goats, and sheeps. It can be drunk or used to make cheese or other products.
a person who helps the doctor in a hospital
a nurse
It's a part of your hand that you use for pointing at things.
index finger / forefinger
This American sport is played with an orange ball by two teams of 3 people in the street.
What does www stand for?
world wide web
Liquid food made by boiling meat or vegetables. It is usually served hot.
a person who makes food in a restaurant
a chef
A part of your leg between your knee and hip.
It's a place where football/soccer is played.
How do you call a house that you can control from your phone and which can also control itself?
smart home
A drink made from hops and some other ingredients.
a person who helps you with legal problems
a lawyer
A pair of organs that you use for breathing.
This sport is played on ice with stones. There are 3 players in one team.
An electric device that makes a bell ring loudly if someone tries to enter a building by force.
burglar alarm
meat from young sheep
a person who is in charge of an orchestra
a conductor
A pair of small organs in the body that take away waste matter from the blood and produce urine.
A game you play with two bats and a ball on a table
Table tennis
It is tool that allows you to connect your device to another and share information (mostly sounds)
meat from a young cow
a doctor who performs operations
a surgeon