Fill in: A, an, The or no article?
Fill-in: General
Find the 2 Mistakes!
Grab Bag!
My hometown is _____ Manila, in _____ Philippines.
My hometown is NO ARTICLE Manila, in THE Philippines.
I will see ___ movie with you, on one condition: ___ movie must star Cameron Diaz!
I will see A movie with you, on one condition: THE movie must star Cameron Diaz!
Picasso was painter; he painted the "Guernica".
Picasso was painter; he painted the "Guernica". ("a painter", "painted Guernica".)
My brother is ___ mountain climber; he has climbed ___ Mount Everest.
My brother is A mountain climber; he has climbed NO ARTICLE Mount Everest.
I like ___ salt on my food, so could you please pass ___ salt?
I like NO ARTICLE salt on my food, so could you please pass THE salt?
My favorite team is ___ Chicago Bulls, but my brother is ___ Boston Celtics fan.
My favorite team is THE Chicago Bulls, but my brother is A Boston Celtics fan.
___ of my friends want to meet my brother. He's ___ famous writer.
SOME of my friends want to meet my brother. He's A famous writer.
I love the rock music; my favorite group is Beatles.
I love the rock music; my favorite group is Beatles. ("love rock music", "is the Beatles")
___ Rocky Mountains are ___ tallest mountains in North America.
THE Rocky Mountains are THE tallest mountains in North America.
Yesterday I donated ___ blood. They will use ___ blood when I have an operation next week.
Yesterday I donated NO ARTICLE blood. They will use THE/MY/THIS blood when I have an operation next week.
Indiana Jones found ___ Ark of the Covenant while in ___ Egypt.
Indiana Jones found THE Ark of the Covenant while in NO ARTICLE Egypt.
If you want to go to ___ sea, you must get ___ permission.
If you want to go to NO ARTICLE sea, you must get NO ARTICLE permission.
Her sister is the travel guide; she is in the Japan now.
Her sister is the travel guide; she is in the Japan now. ("A travel guide", "in Japan".)
___ Museum of Modern Art is on ___ 53rd Street in ___ New York City.
THE Museum of Modern Art is on NO ARTICLE 53rd Street in NO ARTICLE New York City.
I want ___ information about ___ Hawaiian Islands for my vacation next month.
I want SOME/NO ARTICLE information about THE Hawaiian Islands for my vacation next month.
That hooting sound you heard was ___ owl. ___ owl is a large, predatory bird with big eyes which flies at night.
That hooting sound you heard was AN owl. THE owl is a large, predatory bird with big eyes which flies at night.
Like ___ Earth, Pluto also has ___ single moon, Charon.
Like THE or NO ARTICLE Earth, Pluto also has A single moon, Charon.
Could you turn off a light? I want to go to the bed.
Could you turn off a light? I want to go to the bed. ("the light", "to bed")
___ Hague is ___ city in ___ Netherlands.
THE Hague is A city in THE Netherlands.
Mr. Smith goes to ___ church every Sunday, but he went to ___ church Wednesday to repair the roof.
Mr. Smith goes to NO ARTICLE church every Sunday, but he went to THE church Wednesday to repair the roof.
My cousin wanted to be ___ surgeon, but he fainted at the sight of ___ blood.
My cousin wanted to be A surgeon, but he fainted at the sight of NO ARTICLE blood.
___ skyscraper is ___ type of building; ___ tallest one is in Malaysia.
THE skyscraper is A type of building; THE tallest one is in Malaysia.
We wanted to go to movies, but instead we stayed home and watched the TV.
We wanted to go to movies, but instead we stayed home and watched the TV. ("to the movies", "watched TV")
___ Dominican Republic is on ___ island in ___ Caribbean.
THE Dominican Republic is on AN island in THE Caribbean.
___ computer has changed modern life; but remember, ___ computer can't do anything without ___ software.
THE computer has changed modern life; but remember, A/THE computer can't do anything without NO ARTICLE software.