Name 3 countries in Africa
Nigeria, Egypt, Tunisia
Your tongue senses different tastes in different areas.
Fiction:All tastes come from all areas of the tongue.
What is the only real structure on earth that can be seen from satellite?
The Great Wall of China
What do you mean bow or bow?
As a noun, a bow is a knot to join the ends of a ribbon or string or As a verb, to bow is to bend the body or to incline the head, as to show respect or greet someone.
Bring around
Persuade or convince someone. or
How many countries border Russia from the North?
Russia is bordered by 14 countries, Azerbaijan, Belarus, China, Estonia, Finland, Georgia, Kazakhstan, North Korea, Latvia, Lithuania, Mongolia, Norway, Poland, and Ukraine
Many dinosaurs had feather-like growths on their skin.
Yes, and birds evolved from dinosaurs. From the point of view of most paleontologists, birds *are* dinosaurs
Aquatic creatures and marine mammals cannot live in this body of water.
The Dead Sea
What do you mean by produce or produce?
To produce, as a verb, means “to create or make something.” or as a noun, produce refers to fresh fruit or vegetables
Bring up
Name the largest river by volume
The Amazon is considered the world's largest river by volume, but scientists have believed it is slightly shorter than Africa's Nile
Japan has square watermelons
The definition of nutrition is:
The study of the effect of food and how it is processed in the body.
What do you mean date or date?
A date as a noun typically refers to a specific day on the calendar or A date can also refer to a sweet fruit commonly found in the Middle East or Northern Africa.
Bring out
Elicit, evoke, or emphasize a particular quality or
Name three desserts in Saudia Arabia
Ad-Dahna, An-Nafud, Al-Jafurah, Rub' al-Khali—
Porcupines can float.
Which food group is a mixture of plant and animal sources of food and is also an important source of protein for people?
Meats and beans
What do you mean content or content?
If you are content, it means you are happy or satisfied with something or Content as a noun usually refers to some material or information that can be found inside something else. It is often used in the plural form (contents).
Bring round
Change someone’s opinion or point of view or
Name the world's largest peninsula
The Arabian Peninsula
All the kings in a standard deck of cards have a mustache
Fiction: The King of Hearts does not have a mustache
Red M&M's disappeared for a decade
Yes, they were banned in 1976 over concerns about red dye and returned to the scene in the late 1980s.
What do you mean you object or object?
As a verb, to object is to express disapproval or opposition. As a noun, an object is something that can be seen or touched. It usually refers to an inanimate (not alive) thing.
Bring down
Make a legitimate rulership lose their position of power