US History
Class Presentations
Time Clauses

Which war established the USA as a global superpower?
A. World War I | B. World War II | C. The Korean War

A. World War I


Name four students who completed presentations on places to visit in NH.

Any 4 of the following:
Pamela, Maryna, Angelica, Muzhgan, Lisselot, Shakiba, Mosab, 


What tense is this? Focus on the main clause. After they had a baby, they didn't go out anymore.

Past tense.

What tense is this sentence? If I don't exercise, I will gain weight.

When do we pronounce the e in ed?

A. touched | B. liked | C. waited

C. Waited


Who was the first U.S. President?
A. Benjamin Franklin | B. George Washington | C. Abraham Lincolm

B. George Washington


Name 3 places in NH that students made presentations about.

Any 3 of the following:
Livingston Park, Hampton Beach, Lake Pawtuckaway, Merrimack River, Story Land, Santa's Village, Benson Park.

What tense is this? As soon as I save enough money, I'll make a down payment.

What tense is this sentence? If I get tired, tell me to take a nap.


Is "enough" in the correct place? Her room is not enough clean.
No. Her room is not clean enough.

Who was the U.S. President who expanded the size of the U.S. with the Louisiana Purchase?
A. Louis Clark | B. Woodrow Wilson | C. Thomas Jefferson

C. Thomas Jefferson


Which of the following places in NH was NOT chosen as a place of interest in the presentations?

A. Lake Pawtuckaway | B. Benson Park | C. Canobie Lake Park

C. Canobie Lake Park

Which is the main clause? I started to feel sick as soon as I ate that lobster.
I started to feel sick.

Change this sentence into the future tense.

I went to a concert in Boston and I had so much fun even though I didn't get home till after midnight.

I will be going to a concert in Boston and I will have so much even even though I won't get home till after midnight.


Choose the correct verb. Should much or many be in the blank? There ___ too ____ cars on the street.

There are too many cars on the street.


What was the Boston tea party about?

A. The colonists wanted to drink more tea | B. The British threw a tea party in Boston | C. revolutionaries dumped British-imported tea into the Boston harbor 

C. revolutionaries dumped British-imported tea into the Boston harbor 


Which presentation was about a park in Manchester, NH?

A. Livingston Park | B. Benson Park | C. Story Land Park

A. Livingston Park

Combine the two sentences using a time clause and the time words in parentheses: She was often in a bad mood. She took the bus to work. (when)
She was often in a bad mood when she took the bus to work.

Turn the following future real conditional sentence into a question. More than one possible answer: If my son does not do his homework, I will punish him.

What will you do if your son does not do his homework? 

If your son does not do his homework, what will you do?


Fix this question by putting it in the future tense and the correct word order:
"You (study) for the exam?"

Are you going to study for the exam"?

What is the Bill of Rights?

A. The first 10 amendments to the Constitution  

B. All 27 amendments to the Constitution

A. The first 10 amendments to the Constitution


Which of the following is the only park which is NOT free:

A. Benson's Park | B. Santa's Village | C. Livingston Park

B. Santa's Village


Combine the sentences using time clauses. Delete unneeded words. Use the words in parentheses:

"First, they are going to save some money. Then they will repay their loans. (after)"

After they save some money, they will repay their loans.


Turn the following present real conditional statement into a question. More than one answer possible: If you go to the beach, pack your bathing suit.

What should I pack if I go to the beach? What do I pack if I go to the beach?


Complete the sentence using the future progressive.

You (wait) for the bus when it starts raining.

You will be waiting for the bus when it starts raining"?
