Beat around the bush
Avoid saying what you mean
Art is long and life is short
Art lasts longer than life.
not in my lifetime
In the same boat
having the same experience
Big House
Call it a day
Stop working on something
Be no oil painting
you are not pretty
Not in a million years
Like ships that pass in the night
when you meet someone you'll never see again
Hash house
a cheap restaurant
Miss the boat
It's too late
Con artist
a person who tricks someone, usually about money
When pigs fly
My way or the highway
do it my way or leave
Off the back of a turnip truck
I am not stupid, or I wasn't born yesterday.
That's the last straw
My patience has run out
Get the picture
to understand
In a heartbeat
What is very soon?
mile a minute
to travel very fast
Hit the road
to get moving
To touch base
to check in or catch up on what's happening
Blank Canvas
ready to learn anything
Until the end of time
Drive up the wall
to make someone crazy
Paddle one's own canoe
to do it your way