Your mom's mom
Dark liquid we drink in the morning in order to wake up
Coffee (Tea is also an okay answer)
Where is the Eiffel Tower?
Paris, France
How do you say this number? 999
Nine hundred ninety nine
What is the date of New Year's Day? (Month and Day)
January 1st
The plural form of woman
A large area covered with trees.
Forest (Grove or Orchard is also okay)
Where is Central Park?
New York City
How do you say this year: 1979
Nineteen Seventy Nine
What is the date of Christmas Eve? (Month and Day)
December 24th
JK Rowling
A percussion instrument, you use sticks to play it
Where is the Colosseum?
Rome, Italy
How many people live in Taiwan?
23.57 million (in 2020)
What is the date of Teacher's Day? (Month and Day)
September 28th (9/28)
Who wrote Romeo and Juliet?
William Shakespeare
Sweet dessert made by mixing a batter, baking it, then adding a filling the middle and icing on top. It's a common dessert for parties
Dubai, UAE
How many people live in the USA?
328 million (in 2019)
Taiwan's birthday is Double Ten day (October 10th). What is America's birthday holiday?
(It's called Independence Day!)
July 4th (7/4)
your aunt and uncle's kids
The juice of a citrus fruit. It's rich in Vitamin C and popular at breakfast.
Orange juice
Where is Buckingham Palace?
London, UK
How many players are there on a soccer team? (# of players actually playing on the field, not on the sidelines)
There are 11 players on a soccer team.
What is the date that two airplanes crashed into 2 buildings in New York City (the Twin Towers) and 3,000 people died?
9/11 (September 11th)