Active to Passive
English Idioms
Stressed Syllables
Descriptions & Definitions

He drove the car yesterday.

What is "the car was driven by him yesterday"?


If I want to go buy lots of things with money in a store, this means I want to go ___________.

What is the blank?

What is "to go shopping"?


“We have bigger fish to fry”

What do you mean when you say bigger fish to fry?

What is "to have more important things to do"?


I thought I worked really hard on this paining.

What form of "d", "t", "id" is the "ed" in worked?

What is "t"?


Which of these words would not be used to linked a film?

Perspective, Cultural, Musical, Delicious, Breathtaking

What is "Delicious"?


The manager has locked the door.

What is "the door has been locked by the manager"?

What music genre is usually sang by these artists?

Taylor Swift, Justin Bieber, Shawn Mendes, Ariana Grande

What is "pop"?


"Of course I know the name of Harry Potter’s father. I know the Harry Potter series like the back of my hand!"

What does it mean to know something like the back of your hand?

What is "you are very familiar with it and know it in detail"?


Which of the following IS and /IZ/ word?

Sniffs, Wears, Stops, Changes, Dreams

What is "Changes"?


What well-known band (no longer a band) comes from Kingston?

Hint: See Magically Dip

What is "The Tragically Hip"?


The books _______________ yet. (NOT PUBLISH)

What is "the books have no been published yet"?


What action do you do when you want the shell off of a fruit or egg?

What is "peel off the shell"?


"The news that our exam is now open book is music to my ears."

What is "music to my ears"?

What is "something very pleasant/nice to hear"?


What "s" sound is used in all words in this sentence?

She should have made stops as she picks up her students. 

What is /s/?


What leisure activity would I do if I wanted to see a painting?

What is "Go to a museum"?


Your application __________ by Friday. (MUST SEND)

What is "your application must be sent by Friday"?


While making dinner I needed to first ________ the onions and ________ the cucumbers.

What is "chop the onions and slice the cucumbers"?


“Being with you is like walking on egg shells”

What does is mean to be walking on egg shells?

What is "having to be very careful about how you behave around someone"?


Which of the following is NOT a voiced "th"?

Their, Mother, Anything, Mythical, Rather, Than, Weather

What is "Mythical"?


What does it mean to "roast" something in the kitchen?

ex. I roasted a Turkey for Christmas.

What is "to cook food (usually meat) by long exposure to heat in an oven or over a fire" ?


Everyone went to bed after they had switched off the lights.

After the lights had been switched off, everyone went to bed. 


What kind of music uses a grand piano, a violin, flutes, trumpets and cellos?

What is "classical"?


"Reading gossip magazines is a guilty pleasure for many adults."

What does "guilty pleasure" mean?

What is "enjoying something which is not generally held in high regard, while at the same time feeling a bit guilty about it"?


How many "ed" sounds are in this sentence? Name them!

I wanted to get everything I needed for my day at the park. I went to the grocery store and bought apples, grapes and cheese and crackers. When I left the store I walked to the park. I spotted my friends Thomas and Shelly so I decided to sit with them. I even packed enough snacks to share.

What is "id"?

Wanted, Needed, Spotted, Decided

What is "t"?

Walked, Packed


What is the name of the local film festival in Kingston?

What is "Kingston Canadian Film Festival (KCFF)"?
