What is the weather today?
Cloudy and rainy
Name the 4 seasons.
Winter, Fall, Summer, Spring
Name an animal you can have as a pet.
dog, cat, bird, fish
Name one mode of transportation
Car, bus, bicycle, truck, boat, airplane
What is the next month?
Name a red food
tomato, strawberry, apple, cherry
Name a yellow food
Banana, lemon, corn, cheese
Name a green food
Avocado, kiwi, bell pepper, cucumber
Name a purple food
grapes, blackberries, eggplant, prune
Name an orange food
orange, carrot
What day can you come for in person class?
Name an animal that is big.
elephant, whale, hippo
What is today's full date? (Day, Month, Date, Year)
Wednesday, September 13th, 2023
You ________ a student.
What do you wear on your head?
a hat
What do you wear on your legs?
Pants, jeans, shorts
What do you wear on your feet?
Shoes and/or boots
What time is class every day?
5:30 pm to 7:30 pm (17:30-19:30)
What colour do you get if you mix yellow and blue?
What city/town are we in?
Where do you buy food?
Grocery store
Where do teachers work?
At school
Where do you go if you are sick?
Where can you get books?
Library or book store