Reading Strategies
Vocab 1
Parts of Speech
Main Idea & Details
Reading Comprehension
In which reading strategy do you make a chart showing what you already know, what you want to know, and what you learned?
What is KWL
What does "healthy" mean? a. to feel shy about something b. to be in good health or condition; not sick c. to be helpful
What is B
Mix a. noun b. verb c. adjective
What is B verb
What is the main idea of a reading? a. the small, specific details b. the questions you may have about a reading c. the biggest, or most important idea of a reading
What is C
What is one reason Dana loves her job? A. She finds sleeping babies. B. She gets to call the police. C. She gets to sleep during the day. D. She gets to meet all kinds of people.
What is D
Which strategy helps you find where answers to different types of questions are located in a text?
What is QAR (question answer relationship)
What does "recipe" mean? a. directions that describe how to cook something. b. something you eat c. something you write in
What is A
machine a. noun b. verb c. adjective
What is A noun
When you skim, or scan, a reading quickly, are you reading for details?
What is No, you are trying to get the main idea or just a very general topic
The main reason 'Get Low' rides the bus is because A. he likes to see the city B. he enjoys talking to Dana C. he likes to play guitar there D. he needs to get to a show
What is D
In which strategy do you preview what you will read first?
What is SQ3R
What word means something similar to " champion"? a. winner b. loser c. opponent
What is A
useful a. noun b. verb c. adjective
What is C adjective
What is the main idea of the reading you listened to? a. many animals have gotten hurt during earthquakes b. animals might be able to predict when an earthquake will happen c. safety tips when there is an earthquake
What is B
Who gives Dana pretzels? A. the guitar player B. the young mom C. the woman who works at the factory D. the teenager
What is C
What is one kind of comprehension question? a. "right there" b. "on your own" c. "think and search" d. all of the above
What is d. all of the above!
What word is similar to the word "comfortable"? a. abroad b. confident c. relaxed
What is C
experience a. noun b. verb c. adjective
What is A noun
What is one detail from the reading?
What is (answers will vary)
How old is Dana? A. 15 B. 23 C. 38 D. 39
What is C
What does SQ3R stand for?
What is Survey, Question, Read, Recite, Review
What word is similar to "opponent"? a. discussion b. competitor c. vote
What is B
confused a. noun b. verb c. adjective
What is C adjective
What is another detail from the reading?
What is (answers will vary)
Why might the young woman have left her baby on the bus? A. She felt she could not take care of it. B. It was sleeping. C. She meant to come right back. D. She forgot it.
What is A