Tell me about this picture...
Every day life explanations
Requesting Info/Asking Questions
Medical Vocab
Conjugating the verb "be"

Tell me about this picture...

"I see..."

I see trees.

I see nature.

I see nature/trees in different seasons.

Answers may vary; the "what" question must be answered


Provide your boss with a reason why you will be late to work using the conjunction "because".

I'm sorry, but I'm going to be late today because ______.

I'm sorry for the inconvenience, I'm going to be late to work today because ________.


Fill in the blank.

In an interview... 

Q: ________ much does the job pay?

A: The pay is $15/hr. 

How much does the job pay?

Sally is really hot. I think she has a ______.

I think she has a fever.


Fill in the blank with the proper form of the verb "be".

S: Hi Victoria, how ____ you?

V: I  ____ alright, Susie. How ____ you?

S: Hi Victoria, how are you?

V: I'm or I am alright, Susie. How are you?


Tell me about this picture...describe what you see.

"I see..."

I see a family of four.

I see a family with a mother, father, daughter/sister, and son/brother. 

I see a happy family at the park. 

Answers may vary; the "what" question must be answered


How would you ask your teacher or child's teacher for a progress report?

Hi Mr./Ms. ____, Can you provide me with an update on how I am progressing/doing in class?

Hi Mr./Ms. ____, Can you give me an update on how ____ is doing in your class?

*Answers may vary, looking for grammatically correct sentences.


Fill in the blank.

During a car sale...

Q: ______ are you selling your car?

A: Because I want a new one.

Why are you selling your car?


Jane sneezes whenever she smells a flower. She has an ______.

She has an allergy.


Fill in the blank with the proper form of the verb "be".

S: I ___ very busy with school.

V: _____ you studying a lot?

S: Yes, I study two hours every night, because this engineering course _____ difficult.  

S: I am very busy with school.

V: Are you studying a lot?

S: Yes, I study two hours every night, because this engineering course is difficult.  


Tell me about this picture...describe what you see and how you know.

"I see..."

I see a surprise party. 

I see a woman has her eyes covered.

It's the woman's birthday.

The people are celebrating a birthday.

Answers may vary; the "what" and "how" questions must be answered


Your child missed school. You want the absence to be excused. What do you write on the note for the attendance office?

Please excuse _____ for missing school on _______. They were sick with a fever, so I kept them home.

Please excuse ______ for missing school last (day of week). We had a family emergency.


Fill in the blank.

During a job interview...

Q: ______ kind of benefits come with the position?

A: You will have sick leave and vacation days as well as medical insurance.

What kind of benefits come with the position?

My throat is so itchy and dry. I think I have a ______ _____ (two words).

I think I have a sore throat.


Fill in the blank with the proper form of the verb "be".

V: Will you ___ able to come out with us tomorrow night?

S: I can't, because I ____ studying. What about Saturday?

V: Will you be able to come out with us tomorrow night?

S: I can't, because I am studying. What about Saturday?


Tell me about this picture...describe what and why.

"I see..."

I see people shopping.

I see people at a mall shopping for Christmas gifts.

I see a busy mall full of people shopping for Christmas gifts.

Answers may vary; the "what" and "why" questions must be answered


There is an event on Saturday that you do not want to attend, what reason/excuse could you provide for not going?

I can't go on Saturday because my child is sick.

I can't go on Saturday because I have to work.

I can't go on Saturday because I have other plans.

*Answers may vary, but looking for grammatically correct responses.


Fill in the blank.

During a conversation with someone new...

Q: ______ is your favorite restaurant?

A: My favorite restaurant is on Main Street.

Where is your favorite restaurant?


Stella was at the beach all day and didn't wear sunscreen. She has a _____.

She has a sunburn.


Fill in the blank with the proper form of the verb "be".

V: We ____ going to be working on Saturday and cannot go.

S: I ___ sorry to hear that. Maybe next time!

V: We am going to be working on Saturday and cannot go.

S: I am sorry to hear that. Maybe next time!


Tell me about this picture...describe what emotion(s) you see and explain how you know.

"I see..."

I see a stressed mom. I can tell because she is holding her head in her hands and her children are fighting.

I see an overwhelmed parent who is holding her head in her hands while her children fight.

I see a tired parent who doesn't want to deal with her fighting children anymore.

Answers may vary; the "what" and "how" questions must be answered


How do you persuade an interviewer that you are a qualified applicant? Be sure to use the conjunction "because".

I am confident that I will make an excellent ______ because I am ________.

I know that I am more than qualified for the position as a ____ because _________.

*Answers may vary :P


Fill in the blanks.

During a parent-teacher conference...

Q: _____ is Katie doing? 

A: She could be doing better.

Q: _____ is she doing now?

A: She is getting distracted talking to Alex again.

How is Katie doing? 

What is she doing now?


Kevin fell off his bike and hit his head. He now has a ________.

He now has a headache/concussion.


Fill in the blank with the proper form of the verb "be".

V: Yes, next time we ___ going hiking, I will let you know.

S: Thanks, Victoria. I ____ going home now. You _____ safe this weekend!

V: Yes, next time we are going hiking, I will let you know.

S: Thanks, Victoria. I am going home now. You bsafe this weekend!
