Unit 4
Grammar: Fragments
Key Concepts for Writing
English History

VERB: 1) to produce something (EX: light, gas, or radiation)  2) to make a sound.

What is EMIT ?


This citation style is most often used in humanites fields, such as foreign languages and comparative literature.

What is MLA?


Sentences are considered fragments if they are missing either of these things (2).

What are subjects or verbs?


________ means giving credit to the authors of the source that you used in your paper ; indicating where the information that you're using came from.

What is citation / to cite?


True or False: 

English is a direct descendant of Latin

What is FALSE ?


VERB: 1) To extend from side to side of (between) two points.  2) To extend across a period of time or a range of subjects.  NOUN: the full extent of something from end to end; the amount of space or time that something covers.

What is SPAN ?


The citation style used here:

Folse, K. S., Muchmore-Vokoun, A., & Solomon, E. V. (2020). Great Writing: 4.

What is APA?


The _______ is missing from this fragment:

Is extremely important to never leave small children unattended for any length of time due to the risk of accident or injury.

What is the subject? [It]


___________ means to take care of minor errors in your writing;  to make sure that you do not have any grammatical errors or strange phrases that make it difficult for your readers to understand what you are trying to say.

What is editing / to edit ?


True or False:

English has almost twice as many words as Spanish

What is True ?


 VERB: 1) To come between so as to prevent or alter a result or course of events.  2) To interrupt verbally. ADJ: {+ing} occuring in the time/space between events.



The citation style used here:

Folse, Keith S, April Muchmore-Vokoun, and Elena  Solomon. Great Writing: 4. , 2020. Print.

What is MLA?


The _______ missing from this sentence fragment:

A new movie version of the well-loved story Robin Hood, starring Taylor Swift and Orlando Bloom, expected to bring in millions during the opening weekend.

What is the (main) verb?  [is]


___________ means to organize your writing better in a way that your audience can understand your writing better ; to look at your paper in terms of your topic, your ideas, and your audience or in order to better fit into a given genre or topic.

What is revising / revision / to revise ?


What are the three ‘fathers’ of English 

(= language groups thatEnglish is directly descended from)

What are Germanic, Scandinavian, & French?


VERB: 1) To deform, pulverize, or force inwards by compressing forcefully.  2 (of a government or state)  To violently subdue opposition or a rebellion.  3) To bring about a feeling of overwhelming disappointment or embarrassment in someone.    4) To have a _____ on =  have intense romantic feelings for (someone). [informal U.S]

What is CRUSH ?


This information IS required for an APA in-text citation, but is NOT required for an MLA in-text citation.

What is the year?


One of the following sentences is NOT a fragment:

It's sad.

Devastatingly and heart-wrenchingly sad beyond all belief to lose a close family member.

Has been absolutely devastating for the family of the person who was killed.

What is "It's sad" ?


_______(1)_______  means that you take some words or sentences from your sources, and put them in your own words by changing them to different words, or sentence structures without changing the original meaning, whereas  _______(2)________ means that you find the main points of the original text and compose a shorter version of the original text. 

What are paraphrasing and summarizing ?


Name English’s ‘mother’ language 

(= language group that was spoken in the British Isles before 100 A.D.) 

What is Celtic?


ADVERB meaning in a manner NOT open to more than one interpretation; synonymous with 'clearly'.



If there is no author for a source, the ________ is the information that should be used first for the citation in both MLA & APA.

What is the title?


What type of fragment is the underlined phrase?

The sentence is not complete. Because it is missing something important.

What is an unattached dependent clause?


In this kind of writing [Hint: E _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ]

1) You explain and illustrate something in a way that your readers can clearly understand.

2) You are NOT expected to write your opinions.   

3) Instead, you explain, review, and describe certain concepts or facts.

What is expository writing?


All the irregular verbs in English are the older, that is they come from farther back in time.

Name 5 irregular verbs: give simple present & past tense.

Example:  BE ; WAS/WERE (you can't use this one!)

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