Building Vocabulary
Reading Skills
Writing Skills
Speaking/Listening Skills
Thinking Skills
What are cognates?
Cognates are words in two languages that share a similar meaning, spelling, and pronunciation.
What is the difference between narrative and informational text?
Narrative text is fiction and you read it for pleasure. Informational text is non-fiction and you read it to learn something.
What is an "action word"?
An "action word" is a verb.
What is an interview?
An interview is when one person asks a list of questions to another person.
What is fact and what is opinion?
A fact is something that is proven true and opinion is your own personal thought about something.
What does phrase mean in English? What does "fraze" mean in English?
Phrase is two or more words that mean something together. Yon "fraze" se yon "sentence".
What are the 4 major parts of a narrative text?
The 4 major part of a narrative text are plot, character, problem/solution, and setting.
What is a title and author?
A title is the name of a text and an author is the person who writes it.
What are at least 3 things you need to do when presenting?
When you present, you must stand or sit up straight, speak clearly, good volume, stay on topic, and keep good eye contact.
What is a major event?
A major event is something big that happens.
What is the synonym for big, jump, and walk?
The synonym for big is huge; jump is leap; and walk is stroll.
In what text type would you find charts, data, timelines, and graphs?
You find them in expository text.
What is a writing prompt?
A writing prompt tells you topic or question you are supposed to be writing about.
What are at least 3 things you need when forming a question?
When forming a question, you need a question mark, question word, subject, and verb.
What is a venn diagram?
A venn diagram is an organizer that helps us compare (what's the same) and contrast (what's different) things.
What are context clues?
Context clues is when you use the other words in the sentence to understand the new vocabulary words.
What is technical text?
Technical text is instructional text where you explain things step-by-step.
What are 3 major parts of a sentence?
Any 3 of the following is correct: verb, subject, capitalization, punctuation.
Name a famous speech and what did it discuss?
A famous speech is "I Have a Dream" by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and it talks about having equal rights.
What is sequence?
Sequence is the order that something happens.
What are the differences between thesaurus, dictionary, and Haitian-Creole/English dictionary?
A thesaurus is used to find synonyms, a dictionary is used to find the definition of a word, and Haitian-Creole/English dictionary is used to translate a words between languages.
What are 3 examples of expository text?
Examples of expository include textbooks, essays, newspaper, documentaries, and the internet.
What are 3 major parts of a paragraph?
Any 3 of the following is correct: indent, topic sentence, supporting detail.
What is it called when you speak about the wrong topic?
Irrelevant information is when you give information that is NOT on topic.
How can you keep the sequence of something?
You can use timelines, step-by-step, or use words like first, second, third, etc / first, then, next, after