What is the second largest city in Vietnam?
What is the capital of America?
Washington D.C.
Where did you go to purchase you're motorbike.
(2 mistakes)
- Your
- Question mark
Japan has more people living in their country than China
How do you spell my first name?
Which 3 countries does Vietnam border?
Cambodia, China, and Laos.
What state is the Statue of Liberty in?
New York
What is this punctuation mark called: !
Exclamation point!
There are over 250 countries in the world.
False (195)
What is the most popular sport in the world?
Football (soccer)
What is the tallest building in Vietnam?
Landmark 81
How many states are in America?
There house has alot of windows?
(3 mistakes)
-a lot
-no question mark
An adjective describes a verb
What is the largest country in the world?
How many years can a president serve during one term in Vietnam?
5 years
How many years can a president serve during one term in America?
4 years
Im sorry that you're brother is moving away for college, but their will be plenty of time to visit him in the sumer.
America is less than 300 years old.
True (242)
What does 'ESL' stand for?
English as a second language
What year did the city of Saigon change its name to Ho Chi Minh City?
In 1975, but officially in 1976. Either year will be accepted.
What day of the year does America celebrate their Independence Day?
July 4th
Come to the board and write a sentence with a noun, verb, and an adjective.
Example: The tall man jumped over the table.
A broken clock has the correct time displayed twice a day
How much Dong (VND) is equivalent to 1 American dollar ($1 USD)?
22,000-23,000 VND