Does the evidence prove my claim?
How can I correct this sentence?
List of three or more items

Identify the claim and the evidence below: 

Shark are not a threat to humans. According to the article titled, "Shark Attacks May be a Case of Mistaken Identity," the author states that, "Sharks are not interested in attacking humans and if they do, it is only because they mistake humans for seals" (Hunter).

Claim: Shark are not a threat to humans.

Evidence: "Shark Attacks May be a Case of Mistaken Identity," the author states that, "Sharks are not interested in attacking humans and if they do, it is only because they mistake humans for seals" (Hunter).


Where can you place the word "Therefore"? 

Eminem decided to show support for Kaepernick's peaceful protest of racial injustice. He knelt despite the NFLs ban on kneeling. 

Eminem decided to show support for Kaepernick's peaceful protest of racial injustice. Therefore, he knelt despite the NFLs ban on kneeling.


What corrections can you make to this sentence? 

In college, I'm thinking about majoring in accounting nursing or engineering. 

In college, I'm thinking about majoring in accounting, nursing, or engineering.


Does the evidence presented below prove the claim? 

Shark are not a threat to humans. According to the article titled, "Shark attacks may be a case of mistaken identity," the author states that, "Sharks are not interested in attacking humans and if they do, it is only because they mistake humans for seals" (Peters). 



Make corrections to the sentence and find a way to add however to join the two ideas. 

The NFL stated they knew about Eminem's intentions to kneel many believe this is not completely true

The NFL stated they knew about Eminem's intentions to kneel. However, many believe this is not completely true.


How can you correct this sentence? 

Some people hold stereotypes as true because of a lack of exposure to groups of people who are different from them negative media representation and common misconceptions. 

Some people hold stereotypes as true because of a lack of exposure to groups of people who are different from them, negative media representation, and common misconceptions.


The NFL did not approve of Kaepernick's peaceful protest because they believe there is no real problem with racism in America. 

What type of information would you need to find to support this claim? 

Something related to them banning kneeling on the field. 


Find a way to join the two ideas with the word "because."  

Millions of people watch the Super Bowl each year. Many companies try to come up with the best ads to promote their companies.

Many companies try to come up with the best ads to promote their companies because millions of people watch the Super Bowl each year. 

Because millions of people watch the Super Bowl each year, many companies try to come up with the best ads to promote their companies.


Complete the following sentence with three reasons: 

Media representation is important because:

Media representation is important because it helps people have greater self esteem, confidence, and pride in who they are. 


How does the quote prove the claim? 

Claim: The way the media represents people determines how they are viewed. 

Quote: "Media, in all of its forms, has immense power to shape ideas. Television, films, and digital media can influence how we see others, and how we see ourselves" (Abbott).

Analysis: This shows that...

This shows that the media can influence the way a person is viewed and even treated. For example, 


Combine these ideas using the word "However."

Dr. Dre tried to add some lyrics about police brutality in his song he was told by the NFL that he needed to remove the lyrics as they did not want this to be the message sent to the world.

Dr. Dre tried to add some lyrics about police brutality in his song. However, he was told by the NFL that he needed to remove the lyrics as they did not want this to be the message sent to the world.


How can you correct this sentence? 

Stereotypes can lead to racism sexism and age.

Stereotypes can lead to racism, sexism, and ageism.
