Tense Toss
Part of Speech Pool
Punctuate THIS!
US Culture and History
General Knowledge

Student A: What do you do on Saturdays? 

Student B: I _______ tennis. 

A. played

B. play

C. is play

D. have played

"Angry" is a _______________. 

a. noun

b. verb

c. adjective

d. adverb


I went to the store I bought some bread

a. I went to the store. I bought some bread. 

b. I went to the store, I bought some bread. 

c. I went to the store I bought some bread. 


What holiday do we celebrate in November? 



Time ________ is the ability to plan your time well. 

a. management

b. control

c. travel


When do you _____ breakfast? 

a. eat

b. ate

c. eats

d. have eaten

What part of speech is spend in the sentence, "I like to spend time in the mountains." 
a. adjective

b. verb

c. noun

d. adverb


I traveled to Egypt with my family and I saw an amazing structure called a pyramid

a. I traveled to Egypt with my family, and I saw an amazing structure called a pyramid. 

b. I traveled to Egypt with my family. And, I saw an amazing structure called a pyramid. 

c. I traveled to Egypt with my family and, I saw an amazing structure called a pyramid. 


What holiday involves children "trick or treating" and is celebrated in October? 



The population of the U.S. is about ____________

a. 330 million penguins

b. 330 million people

c. 3 million pineapples

d. 30 million people


What movie ________ last Friday night? 

a. did you saw

b. were you seen

c. did you see

d. have you seen


We should not ________ the environment. 

a. pollution

b. pollute

c. polluted

d. pollutated

I have to move to California because I got a job there 

a. I have to move to California, because I got a job there. 

b. I have to move to California because, I got a job there. 

c. I have to move to California because I got a job there. 

What is the Capitol of the U.S. Government? 

Washington D.C. 


Which of these is NOT a natural resource?

a. the sun

b. velcro

c. water

d. wind


I _____________ to Spain. 

a. have never went 

b. did never go

c. have never gone


The _____ of public schools began in the U.S. in the 19th century. 

a. establish

b. establishment

c. established

d. establishity


Correct the sentence and punctuate it:

Although I am tired but I will go to work anyway 

a. Although I am tired, so I will go to work anyway.

b. Although I am tired, but I will go to work anyway.

c. Although I am tired so I will go to work anyway. 

d. Although I am tired, I will go to work anyway. 


The First Amendment to the Constitution guarantees all but which of these rights? Freedom to....

a. practice your religion

b. say what you want

c. write what you want

d. smoke what you want

e. gather in groups of people peaceably

If the genotype contains our DNA, what is the phenotype? 
a. an unexplained phenomenon like UFOs

b. a drug we should not take

c. how our genes are expressed, like what hair color we have


I ________________ Mt. Rainier about 10 times. 

a. have hiked

b. have been hiking

c. did hiked

d. was hiked


To be ________ in business requires hard work and _________. 

a. successful/persistence

b. success/persist

c. successive/persistence

d. successful/persistent


Correct the sentence and punctuate it

Because I went to the beach so I got sunburned 

a. Because I went to the beach, I got sunburned. 

b. Because I went to the beach, so I got sunburned. 

c. Because I went to the beach since I got sunburned. 


Under the 4th Amendment, police cannot enter your house without_______

a. your permission or a signed warrant from a judge

b. your parents being present

c. your mother-in-law's permission

d. singing a good song first


The American Revolutionary War was fought primarily because the colonists wanted________? 

a. lower taxes

b. the right to be represented in the British government

c. higher taxes on tea and other things like stamps
