Vocabulary Words
Making Inferences
Inference Vocabulary
I Am Malala
Sankofa Rewind
This word means a surprise attack.
What is ambush?
Kyle ran into his house, slamming the door behind him. He threw his book bag on the floor and turned on the TV to play video games. When he was done, he ate pizza and then fell asleep on the couch. When Kyle came home from school the next day, he was very upset. He balled up his report card and placed it at the bottom of the trash can. He then went back to the living room and picked up the controller for his PS3. Was Kyle's report card good or bad, and why do you think it was like that?
I can infer that it was bad, probably because he played video games all day when he got home from school instead of doing his work.
This word is what you already know about a topic, or the knowledge that is in your brain.
What is schema?
This is one of the main issues in Pakistan that Malala is speaking out for.
What is women's education?
True or False: When writing a summary, you should NEVER include your own opinion.
Very offensive in a shocking way
What is obscene?
Mary sat in the park on a bench with her head in her hands. She was weeping mournfully and wearing all black. In between crying, Mary would sob out a name "Oh...John..." Suddenly, her cell phone beeped that she had a new text. Her hand searched frantically for the phone in her purse and her heart fluttered. The text was from John, and it said "I still need to get my jacket back from you." Mary threw the phone back into her purse, laid her head on her hands again, and continued crying. Why is Mary sad?
I can infer that Mary is sad because her boyfriend broke up with her.
True or False: Inferences are directly stated in the text.
False! Inferences are NEVER directly stated in the text.
What is the name of the terrorist group that is responsible for shooting Malala?
What is the Taliban?
Identify if this sentence is written in the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd person, and if it is singular or plural: I am so excited for Spring Break!
1st person singular
very upset; so upset that you are not able to think clearly
What is distraught?
Lisa rolled over in bed as she felt the sunlight hit her face. The beams were warming the back of her neck when she slowly realized that it was a Thursday, and she felt a little too good for Thursday. Struggling to open her eyes, she look at the clock. "9:48!", she shouted, "Oh no!" Lisa jumped out of bed, threw on her uniform, brushed her teeth in 5 seconds, threw her books into her backpack, and ran out the door. What problem is Cassie having, and how do you know this?
I can infer that Cassie is late for school because she saw the time on the clocks, hurried to get ready, and threw her books into her school bag.
This word means a conclusion that is reached based on evidence from the text and from schema
What is inference?
The pseudonym (fake name) that Malala used when she was writing her diary that was published on the internet?
What is Gul Makai?
Identify if this sentence is written in the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd person, and if it is singular or plural: All of you are going to miss me so much.
2nd person plural
This word means to praise someone
What is garlanding?
During the California Gold Rush of 1849, the world's supply of gold more than doubled, and hundreds of thousands of people rushed to California to find their share. Boomtowns popped up to accommodate the visitors. A boomtown is a community that receives sudden and explosive growth and development. San Francisco had around two-hundred residents in 1846, and about 36,000 in 1852. The few merchants in these boomtowns sold goods for more than ten times what they cost back East. For example, a single pound of flour sold for as much as $17. Not everyone who joined in the California Gold Rush got rich, but most of the boomtown merchants did. Why were boomtown merchants able to sell their products for so much money?
I can infer that they sold their goods for so much money because the gold miners who lived in the area had a lot of money that they were willing to spend.
Name one of the text features that you can use to help activate your schema.
title, pictures, heading, bold print, italics, or captions
What did Malala say that she was going to do with some of the prize money she received from the awards she got?
She said she would start an education foundation, with a particular focus on street children and those in child labor.
Identify if this sentence is written in the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd person, and if it is singular or plural: The sun is shining very brightly today.
3rd person singular
An angry outburst by a child, or someone who is behaving like a child.
What is tantrum?
Today would not be a good day for Vernon, co-owner of Vernon's Fry Shack, for the health inspector had just walked through the screen door that had no screen. The flies scattered. Vernon thought about the mousetraps in the back and wondered if they had been emptied. "Mr. Vernon?" inquired the health inspector, "We've received an anonymous tip about some unsanitary practices going on in the back." The cashier stared fearfully at the inspector, while the fry cook quickly looked down. Mr. Vernon replied, "Well, our doors are always open to you, Inspector." The inspector took the cap off of his pen. What can you infer will happen to Mr. Vernon's store?
I can infer that the inspector will close the store down or give them a fine because of all the unhealthy things that are going on there.
This word means the words written on or next to a picture to explain what is being shown
What is a caption?
Tell me one of the things that Malala is referring to when she calls Swat "The Valley of Sorrows"
the earthquake, the invasion of the Taliban, the military operation that forced her family to become IDPs, and the flood
What is the future tense form of the verb be?
Will be