Thoughtful Theories
Practical Policies
Classroom Models
Family and School Collaboration
True or False: All teaching should be in the target language.
What is FALSE In reality it is actually better to use ELLs first language in the classroom along side the target language in order to promote language acquisition (pg. 150).
True or False: In 1998, Californians voted to pass a ballot measure (Proposition 227) that imposed wide-reaching restrictions on bilingual education, effectively banning it.
What is TRUE
Schumann’s Acculturation Model addresses the role a person’s attitude plays into their acquisition. Those with a ________ attitude are more likely to learn, than those with a _________ attitude. A) positive attitude; negative attitude B) negative attitude; positive attitude C) Their attitude doesn't matter
What is A) positive attitude; negative attitude
True or False: translation should not be allowed in the ESL or bilingual classroom.
What is FALSE, emergent bilinguals are often asked to translate outside the school. Teachers can draw on this skill in school.
Krashen’s theory of _______ states that in order to learn a language, the student needs to receive messages that they can comprehend. A) Output B) Input
What is B) Input
In the article Language in Common Core State Standards, the author addresses the issue that assumed language causes for ELL students when taking standardized tests. Explain one example used to illustrate this point:
What is a question from a standardized test that uses vocabulary not common for ELL students
In a classroom, students are able to preview the lesson in their native language, the teacher then explains the lesson in the student’s second language and follows up by reviewing key ideas in their native language. What do we call this technique?
What is the "preview, view, review" technique (pg 153)
True or False: Cultural events in the classroom can be incorporated with most subjects and acknowledge students' cultures to create an accepting learning environment.
What is TRUE
Krashen's theory of natural order hypothesizes that grammatical structures follow a predictable _________ ___________.
What is natural order
The Court of Appeals reasoned that "every student brings to the starting line of his educational career different advantages and disadvantages caused in part by social, economic and cultural background, created and continued completely apart from any contribution by the school system" in what Supreme Court case?
What is Lau vs. Nichols (1974)
In the video “The Importance of a Dual Language Education,” students appeared to be language models for each other. This classroom reflected a Bilingual _________ Program where students “aim at full proficiency in two languages, an understanding and appreciation of two cultures and high levels of academic achievement” (pg 167). A) Development B) Addition C) Enrichment
What is C) Enrichment
How can schools educate parents on the programs being implemented by their teachers?
What is offer after-school information sessions OR meet with parents one-on-one OR conduct over-the-phone meetings
In van Lier's model of SLA, receptivity, investment, practice and authentic use are _____________; and attention-focusing, apprehension/comprehension;retention access and extension creativity are _____________. A) outcomes; conditions B) conditions; outcomes
What is B) conditions; outcomes
What does TESOL stand for and what have they done to help ELLs?
What is Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages and they are an organization who have developed English proficiency standards
In the Van Lier and Walqui article, "language is an action" is is defined as meaningful activities within the classroom for ELLs. These could include group projects, presentations, and investigations. What do these kinds of interactions promote?
What is language growth, especially through discussion, research OR interaction with peers
What is a barrier for parents that inhibit involvement in their English language learning student's education?
What is language, confidence, transportation, OR negative experiences
Which approach to grammar is most successful in that classroom setting? A) Language as a Structure B) Language as a Mental Facility C) Language as a Functional Resource
What is C) Language as a Functional Resource
Give an example of how teachers can support student’s first language in the classroom...
What is... have books in both English and their first language available, encourage ELLs to share stories in both languages, use movies to help support learning, and allow students to respond in their first language to prove their comprehension of English (pg. 152).